Predictive Analytics, AI Shave Time From Google AdWords Campaign Management

Predictive Analytics, AI Shave Time From Google AdWords Campaign Management

by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, May 5, 2017

Search marketing company NetElixir has launched a paid-search recommendation engine for agencies that company executives say reduces the time to less than an hour per week to manage dozens of accounts.

Predictive Analytics, AI Shave Time From Google AdWords Campaign Management

LXRGuide: Agency aims to simply the task with one dashboard through machine-learning algorithms and forecasting data that can optimize multiple Google AdWords campaigns simultaneously. The platform, which calculates campaign losses and profits, is an extension of LXRGuide for brands, launched in 2016.

CoffeeCow, a small business that sells a variety of coffee and machines, uses LXRGuide. Within the first 30 days of using the platform for brands, Web site ecommerce revenue rose 17.82% and revenue from paid-search advertising rose by 77%. The company also lists some of the more popular searches on the site, rather than the most popular purchases.

Gary Giberson, IT director of CoffeeCow, tracks account-level performance goals daily. He reviews the return-on-ad spend charts during a 30-day period to see ROI numbers, accounting most recently for $7.15 from every $1 spent in AdWords.

Priester’s Pecans has seen similar results. The cost per campaign to run the company’s AdWords campaigns fell 31%, with a 327% year-on-year revenue boost and 200% YoY increase in return on investment, according to a case study.

The data to optimize and forecast performance in LXRGuide: Agency also comes from the history of AdWords campaigns. “It’s similar to how Pandora analyzes your history to predict and curate new music that fits your listening preferences,” said Udayan Bose, NetElixir CEO. “It then uses smart algorithms to test new strategies, enhance what’s working and eliminate wasted spend.”

It also reduces the time it takes to manage multiple accounts, per Bose. When NetElixir ran initial tests on the platform, search specialists found they could double the number of accounts managed in the same amount of time.

Traditionally, agencies spend 80% of their time managing day-to-day account performance and conducting various analyses. Some campaigns saw 20% performance growth.

Unless dedicated to one brand, search agency reps are limited by the amount of hours they can allocate to each client’s account. Many agency search specialists spend most of their time sifting through data, testing bids and managing account performance. Search Marketing Daily
