The best AI tools to make you a better writer
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You’ll soon see AI in most writing tools. Canva, Notion, Craft, Coda, and other popular writing services have been racing to add new AI features. Google Docs added a new AI-driven summarization feature. Read on for what AI can do for you, where the hype goes too far, and a few recommended tools to try.
Craft gets the nod for best 30-second video demo:
Beyond these big apps, a slew of startups have built brand-new writing services that rely on AI to reduce the friction we face when staring at a blank page.
The hype factor
Some go a bit too far, promising the moon.
Jasper, an AI writing service, raised $125 million at a $1.5 billion valuation. The appeal of writing faster is clear. But AI-focused startups that emphasize speed and volume should expect a backlash from fans of thoughtfulness and quality. promises to automatically generate tweets for you when you type in any topic. I’m not sure we need 10x the amount of automated, low-quality content pumped out ever faster in a world already drowning in hot takes.
AI tools to try
Lex draws on the same OpenAI engine as Canva Docs but lacks its visual features. It’s useful if you write often but don’t need the 150 menu options available in Microsoft Word. For now, Lex is free, with a waitlist for access. For now, Lex is free, with a waitlist for access.
Still in private beta, it already has great features, including:
You can use the AI feature to summarize or explain something; create an outline; write a pros and cons list; generate keywords or hashtags; suggest a title; add to something you’ve written; or translate your text into English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Korean or Japanese. It can stray beyond those features. I asked it to generate a limerick about AI, which you’ll see in this AI-generated document it spun out of my testing.
To test it I typed in some keywords about the Wonder Tools newsletter. It generated surprisingly decent marketing copy employing the Pain/Problem-Agitate-Solution framework.
It didn’t, of course, generate the time or expertise required to figure out a marketing strategy. For non-marketers, though, AI-generated text can provide a helpful starting point.
You can also use it to generate YouTube titles and descriptions, Instagram captions, TikTok video ideas, Facebook ad text, and various other formats.
Back to the Future
Remember typewriters? Computers eventually followed, enabling storage. The Internet brought live collaboration. Now we’re heading into the fourth era of digital document editing: the era of AI.
The Pre-Internet Era
Wordstar, WordPerfect, Word and other pre-Internet word processing software provided helpful ways to store and backup writing digitally.
The Cloud Era
Google Docs ushered in the next phase with innovative cloud storage enabling you to edit your docs from any device and collaborate in real-time.
The Interactive Era
Notion, Coda, and peer services made docs interactive and multifaceted. They extended how docs work by adding databases, embedded content and more.
The AI Era
Lex,, Canva Docs and other AI-enhanced new doc editing tools mark the start of a radically distinct doc epoch.
In the year ahead, many of us will use AI doc tools to help with the following::
This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.