TikTok age progression: How to get the viral ‘time travel’ filter that Gen Z is obsessed with
Back when I was in the age range that Gen Z is now, it seemed impossible to imagine that I, too, would one day be old. I couldn’t even visualize what an old me would look like. Jump forward to 2023, and those who are young now don’t even need to try to visualize what they will look like in the years ahead thanks to a new viral TikTok filter.
In recent days, Gen Z has become obsessed with what is colloquially known as the “aged” filter on TikTok. The official name of the filter is “Time Travel” and it applies generative AI to a person’s face to show what they will look like each year ahead as they progress through time, with the future year displayed above them. As of Friday morning, the filter had been used in more than 371,000 videos.
If you want to get a peek at a possible future you, here’s how to get the TikTok aged time travel filter: