Cyberattack: Clearview loses $1.1m

Cyberattack: Clearview loses $1.1m

Cyberattack: Clearview loses $1.1m |


Canadian energy producer Clearview Resources Ltd announced findings surrounding the cyber attack that cost the company $ 1.1m.

The company released an earlier press statement flagging the events on December 6, 2023.

”Clearview is in the process of assessing the impact on the Company’s operations. We are not aware of any evidence that customer, supplier or employee data has been compromised or misused due to the situation. “

The company brought in Independent security experts to investigate the incident, leading to today’s information on the cyber-attack.

$ 1.1 million lost

It has now been disclosed that a cybersecurity incident was perpetrated through a compromised email address, which was then used to funnel company funds to a third-party account.

According to the most recent update from the company, Clearview ”experienced a cybersecurity incident whereby an internal email address was compromised and used by fraudulent actors to redirect the transfer of certain Company funds to a third-party account. The crime resulted in the loss of $ 1.5 million.”

The technology partner of the energy company was contacted immediately, and Clearview restricted several functions. Still, luckily, “no material impact to operations” was recorded once these key business systems were restored.

The company has said it will continue to investigate the events that took place in December last year and hopes to recover the lost funds alongside third-party experts and members of law enforcement.

However the energy provider is realistic that “due to the nature of the cybersecurity

incident, these efforts may not result in the return of all or some of the stolen funds.”

North American data and security

In other data and security news, the Biden Administration has announced new cybersecurity requirements for hospitals.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, is expected to propose these rules within the next month.

This should lead to further jobs in this sector. In a recent post, we looked at the top Cybersecurity roles across the United States, detailing the best places to work in this emerging American market.

Image Credit: Pixabay; Pexels

The post Cyberattack: Clearview loses $ 1.1m appeared first on ReadWrite.


Brian-Damien Morgan

Freelance Journalist

Brian-Damien Morganis an award-winning journalist and features writer. He was lucky enough to work in the print sector for many UK newspapers before embarking on a successful career as a digital broadcaster and specialist. His work has spanned the public and private media sectors of the United Kingdom for almost two decades. Since 2007, Brian has continued to add to a long list of publications and institutions, most notably as Editor of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, winning multiple awards for his writing and digital broadcasting efforts. Brian would then go on to be integral to the Legacy 2014, Media and Sport Directorate of the Scottish Government. Working with ministers to enact change through sport with institutions like the Homeless World Cup. He would then lend his skills to multiple private sector institutions. Brian would win national acclaim helping his country deliver judicial education and communications during the pandemic-era. Earning a writ of personal distinction from the Lord President of Scotland for his efforts as the Head of Communications and Digital for the Judicial Office for Scotland. Brian has returned back to the thing he loves most, writing and commenting on developments across technology, gaming and legal topics, as well as any-and-all things sport related.
