10 Different Ways to Use Employee Feedback Software at Your Workplace
10 Different Ways to Use Employee Feedback Software at Your Workplace
Running a company with a large number of employees is not an easy nut to break. Apart from managing a business or company — managing employees is another important responsibility for the owner. Here are ten different ways to use employee feedback software at your workplace.
Run the feedback — but how do you react?
You can easily manage your employees — and provide your workplace with an essential employee engagement bump without investing extra resources and efforts.
Your employee feedback helps you to get deeper insights into your employees.
Nowadays, every business is actively involved in taking Employee Feedback, but the basic difference is the way you are deploying it. The way you use the Employee Feedback determines the growth of your employees — and your company.
What is Employee Feedback?
Employee Feedback refers to a process in which a company asks constructive suggestions about work culture, company, managers, other team members, and other facilities like the cafeteria, and washroom.
These suggestions are being asked either through a questionnaire or through online employee feedback surveys (zonkafeedback dot com, Survey Monkey, others) conducted via emails and SMSes.
The practice of conducting employee feedback helps the company to gauge employee experience and their performance level and create a better workplace culture.
Why Do You Need Employee Feedback?
You may have a small or medium-sized company — or even a large multinational company organization.
Employee feedback surveys help the companies to acknowledge employees and their performances. Measuring employee feedback is an effective way to track employees’ expectations and fulfill them to ensure maximum employee satisfaction and loyalty.
There are various benefits of deploying Employee Feedback in an organization.
What is Employee Feedback Software?
The organization’s success is determined by the employees’ satisfaction and happiness. A happy and satisfied employee will always contribute to augment the company’s productivity along with business growth.
With the rising significance of gauging employees’ perceptions, feedback culture has evolved and massively used in an organization to measure employee engagement. Therefore, introducing Employee Feedback Software at the workplace has become the need of the hour.
Employee Feedback Software is an online tool that enables you to measure the employees’ satisfaction and maintain a healthy work environment in the organization.
It not only provides a platform for employees to share their feedback and suggestions but also helps companies to drive real-time accountability for all touchpoints and areas.
How Employee Feedback Software Can be Used in the Workplace?
Employee Feedback Software can be used at different touchpoints to gauge the level of employee satisfaction.
Here are six different ways to use Employee Feedback Software in the workplace.
- Employee Satisfaction Survey
- Pulse Surveys
- Culture Surveys
- Cafeteria Surveys
- Amenities Surveys
- Mood Surveys
- On-Boarding Surveys
- Professional Development Surveys
- Performance Appraisal Surveys
- Exit Surveys
1. Employee Satisfaction Survey
As the name suggests, the Employee Satisfaction Survey can be conducted to gauge the satisfaction level of employees in the workplace. These surveys can easily be conducted through employee feedback software.
Employee satisfaction surveys cover the following feedback aspects including about company, job, the workplace, and the manager. It also helps the organizations to track the employees’ perceptions about the company’s policies, and job security.
A survey contributes to creating a motivated workforce and positive work culture. The parameters gauged from an employee satisfaction survey are directly influencing the employee retention rate.
2. Pulse Surveys
Pulse Surveys are short and different from other typical surveys. It is meant for
Many organizations now prefer to use employee pulse surveys. A Pulse employee survey refers to a quick survey system that is conducted weekly or every few weeks. This employee survey is conducted with the intent to get a frequent insight into the health of the organization.
Pulse Surveys help the organizations to acquire employees’ information regarding workplace areas of interest including employees’ engagement, satisfaction, work culture, and other parameters. These areas help the organization to get into the employee’s opinion on specific parameters.
The data collected through pulse employee surveys also help the organizations to frequently map out the latest employee feedback trends and patterns. This practice contributes to employee morale and maximum satisfaction.
3. Culture Surveys
Whenever we choose any company or organization, after the pay scale, we look at the culture of the company. The culture of the organization helps the employees to fit themselves in the organization environment. On another hand, the culture of the organization plays a crucial role in making an organization a milestone. The culture of the organization affects the business decisions, policies. Actions, and missions & goals.
The organizational culture trends and patterns are changed over time. So, the organization needs to conduct Culture Surveys to ascertain the employees’ perceptions about the organizational culture. This survey provides an in-depth and clear picture of the internal structures, skills, and qualities that affect the behavior, and management style of the organization.
Based on the data collected from surveys help the companies to seamlessly go through a culture improvisation including management changes, amenities improvisation, mergers, acquisitions, and large changes in management.
4. Cafeteria Surveys
When it comes to establishing or improving healthy work and communication culture, no place is better than a cafeteria. Also, food and facilities make this place a great source for strengthening the bond between employees.
So, the organization needs to conduct regular cafeteria feedback among their employees to get to know about their perceptions regarding the quality of food, taste, hygiene, availability of food products, etc.
Now forwarding cafeteria email surveys at the workplace seems a little awkward. In the flow of work, either ignore the surveyor or spam your email survey. So, to avoid this, you can set up a simple Kiosk Survey System at your cafeteria. This will help you capture real-time instant employee feedback about your cafeteria.
5. Amenities Surveys
Now since you’ve considered taking feedback about the cafeteria, there are various other services or amenities for which you need to take employee feedback. You should conduct Amenities Surveys that help you to track employees’ opinions about facilities and privileges provided by you as a company.
Amenities Survey covers feedback on various parameters including washroom, cleanliness of workspace, availability of stationeries, hygiene at the workplace, gym (if have), medical facilities, etc.
You can set up a survey tablet or kiosk survey in washrooms, gyms, and other employees’ touchpoints with the simple rating scale questions to capture employee feedback. This helps you to collect real-time feedback data and improve your other services and amenities to make your workspace a comfortable hub.
6. Mood Surveys
Employees’ sentiments or moods determine the level of the employees’ engagement. According to the State of the Global Workplace report, 85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work. So, if you want to make your employees happy, satisfied, and keep them engaged, then you need to actively involve yourself in conducting Mood Surveys to track the sentiments of your employees.
Mood surveys help you to capture the employees’ sentiments in special scenarios like change in leadership, management reconstruction, business transitions including mergers, etc. on these touchpoints, you are easily able to track the different employees’ mood patterns and trends. Employee Mood Surveys help you to quickly track whether your employees are happy or frustrated at the workplace.
Based on the data collected from the mood surveys, you can quickly trace out the dynamics that lead to employee disengagement. Acting on it and resolving the issues can help you to reduce your employee churn rate and improve employee retention rates.
7. On-Boarding Surveys
On-Boarding, as the name suggests, these surveys are specifically conducted to understand the perceptions and opinions of the new employees and how new hires feel about the organization. On-Boarding Survey can be forwarded to the selected candidate during the salary negotiation. This, in turn, helps you to understand the employees’ expectations and the latest hiring trends and patterns to make your hiring process and onboarding survey experience better.
According to the study by SHRM, the onboarding process should go beyond passive first-day orientation and morph into regular conversations throughout the first 30, 60, and 90 days.
You can handover a tablet-based feedback system to the selected candidate where they can freely give their feedback, opinions, and suggestions regarding the onboarding process.
8. Professional Development Surveys
When it comes to sustaining in an organization, Professional development is a very important aspect for an employee. Today’s employees are career-focused and learning-oriented employees, who love to stay long at that place where they grow and learn simultaneously. If you want your employees to sustain long at your company, then start ascertaining their professional development.
For this, you can conduct a Professional Development Survey to assess your approach in providing professional scope to your employees. It also helps you to track the quality and performance of the skills, leadership training, executive, and industry exposure you are providing. This, in turn, helps you to promote an engaged and skilled workforce.
9. Performance Appraisal Surveys
Performance appraisal is the secret of employees’ productivity….LoL
Well, jokes apart, employees are eagerly waiting for this period. Here in this, the manager plays a crucial role in properly evaluating the performance of the employees and providing them with the boost to perform effectively.
So, the Performance Appraisal Survey is the best platform where managers can offer employees constructive criticism without being into the grey shade. These surveys not only motivate your employees to perform well but also develop healthy communication and engagement between employees, managers, and supervisors.
10. Exit Surveys
The loss of a talented employee is very tough but it is a perfect opportunity where the organization can collect genuine feedback from a departing employee. Conduct an Exit Survey to get an in-depth understanding of the employees’ perspectives and experiences regarding the workplace, company policies, work culture, career scope, etc.
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