11 Biggest Mistakes Job Candidates Make On Social Media
11 Biggest Mistakes Job Candidates Make On Social Media
While social media can help you land a dream job, many mistakes can lead to a failed job interview, but there’s one mistake that employers see all the time: you. Of course, you may think it doesn’t matter what you post on social media. Still, research shows that 70% of hiring managers will Google potential candidates and check their profiles before scheduling an interview.
Even if they don’t find anything incriminating, your posts might give them enough reason not to hire or promote you. No wonder they’re looking — remote recruitment is getting more and more popular.
Mistakes Job Candidates Make On Social Media
Avoiding mistakes job candidates make on social media sounds like common sense. For example, never post anything personal about yourself on the internet, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol or using drugs. But we’re living in a world where people often break these rules without thinking twice because they’re feeling invincible behind their keyboards and phones.
The problem is that many job seekers are making these same mistakes, and it’s becoming harder to find a new job when employers know everything about you.
1. Posting too much personal information on social media
Among the 10 biggest mistakes job candidates make, posting too much personal information is one of the biggest. People who apply for jobs nowadays might be required to provide their social media accounts upon application or even during interviews.
That way, employers can evaluate how effective the person may be in dealing with other people while working in their company. Aside from this, Facebook photos can also give false impressions about your personality. Online search histories could demonstrate careless behavior while using other devices.
Employers are indeed scrutinizing potential employees’ social feeds more closely these days — but take heart. Having some levity and a sense of humor can go a long way toward making you seem like an energetic, fun-loving person. Try posing as your own fictitious character or having some non-work friends pose as you — that way, you can share out-of-context sound bites and silly photos.
2. Photos with alcohol or drug use in them
Photos with alcohol or drug use in them can have a negative impact on a job interview. Employers will most likely think that the candidate is participating in illegal activities, and the lifestyle of the company you work for might not be a good fit for you.
If an employer has offered a position to the candidate, they may not accept it because of these pictures. In addition, once an employer hires someone, they have to go through background checks and screenings before they hire the person.
If there are photos online of you doing drugs or drinking alcohol, it will be hard to get a job. Even if there aren’t any pictures of you doing such things on social media, an employer might be able to search your name and find what they view as “questionable” material.
It is best to avoid having pictures of yourself with alcohol or drug use because it will make you look bad to prospective employers. It can also make an employer think you are a heavy user of substances, even if you’re not.
3. Anything that could be interviewers can take negatively like profanity or uncensored nudity
Posting anything that interviewers take negatively, like profanity or uncensored nudity, can hurt your job interview because the company might not approve it. Sometimes this might happen because the company doesn’t want to bring that kind of attention to themselves. So if you are currently looking for a job, keep these things in mind before posting any content on social media.
It’s important to realize that employers are looking for any negative content when looking at your social media page. A company might not want something like profanity or uncensored nudity on its own site. If you post it on your social media page, it might cause the company to reject you before they even interview you. It’s always best to avoid anything that can hurt your chances of securing a job interview.
4. Not posting anything at all on social media during the job search process
Posting things on social media during the process of looking for a job is generally seen as an excellent way to demonstrate your online presence. However, it’s important to realize that employers are looking for any negative content when looking at your profile and messages.
This means anything you post can actually hurt your chances of getting interviewed. Even if not posting anything at all might seem like the safer choice. You need to find the middle ground to avoid one of the most popular mistakes job candidates make.
Simple: Put nothing but safe replies or likes on Facebook and LinkedIn messages, just in case.
Pretty soon, you start thinking twice before sending another message. There’s always a chance that potential bosses who may be watching out for information could be taken negatively. Whether it’s about themselves, their company, or their personal beliefs doesn’t really matter. It becomes an even bigger challenge for Twitter, where every post is a direct statement. It’s tough to not put your personality into what you are Tweeting about. Following the rules becomes a lot harder than just signing off for good.
5. Over-posting about your new job once you get it
It’s important not to post too much about your new job after you get it. This can hurt your chances of keeping the job if the employer reviews what they find on your social media page. One way to avoid this is by waiting for at least six months before posting about your new job. Posting too many times in a short amount of time may make you seem to brag or don’t care about the position.
The worst thing you can do, though, is posting about the job even before the company has guaranteed you a spot.
They can see it as unprofessional, and you never know what will happen once they do the background check. Plus, if other group members also applied for the position, they might not feel too happy about their chances of getting it when they see your constant postings on social media sites.
It’s important to realize that no matter how much you enjoy your new job, it’s not worth risking if you aren’t 100% sure that you can keep it.
Your social media profile should be treated with the same sort of professionalism as a resume. You want to give off a certain impression. Sharing too much detail could do the opposite-so; make sure you’re always careful when posting about work.
6. Hiding behind a professional profile picture while still using an alias online
Many people choose to use a fake social media profile picture when they are on social media for their job search. The reason is simple — they want to avoid mistakes job candidates make. The problem is that this can hurt your career by giving off the impression that you are hiding.
Employers will often Google an applicant’s name, including their alias, before considering them for the position.
Your online persona must remain consistent with who you are in the professional realm. For example, an employer might check up on you to see how well you represent their company. Choosing a profile picture for your social media sites that is professional, typically smiling, and preferably contains no one else in the shot can help avoid unnecessary questions. It’s also best not to use an alias or nickname when posting comments or writing posts.
7. Uploading photos of your children to Facebook without considering how they might affect future employers
Being a parent is a special experience, and children absolutely deserve to be shown off to their family and friends. However, an employer who sees those photos might not see you as someone they want on staff because those images may seem like you’re unable to focus on your job.
The last thing a company needs is a distracted employee during work hours with responsibilities for the safety of others.
8. Oversharing about your personal life
It’s one thing to schedule an interview with someone you already know. But there’s no reason to overshare on social media with strangers before the interview. And if your connections know what you’re up to without even meeting them, why not make a stronger first impression instead of seeming like a braggart?
For example, maybe you want them to understand that you’re looking for a new position in your industry. So you upload some pictures of yourself doing things related to your desired career field. And then keep adding more images as the years go by. That way, when they finally see your face for the first time at that job interview, it’ll feel like they already know you because they’ve seen the evolution of who you are as a professional.
9. Making jokes about current events
One of the biggest mistakes job candidates make is to show disdain for the company and its industry. Making jokes about current events and throwing shade at other people in your industry can hurt your chances of getting a job offer.
This mistake is a little different from the others because it has a lot of components, but here are a few tips:
– Don’t make jokes about anything topical
– Avoid criticizing anyone on social media who is an important influencer for your desired company
-Never make fun of anything that could be perceived as a stereotype.
10. Complaining constantly on social media about work, bosses, and co-workers
Complaining about work on social media can be a huge mistake. If you’re constantly rambling about how much work sucks, then bosses and co-workers are going to take note of that attitude. They could then decide that they don’t want someone working for them who has an unhappy disposition.
Some people are also more sensitive to seeing negative comments about their work environment than others. By being negative about your work or workplace on social media. You might run the risk of other employees getting offended or feeling bad for pointing out flaws in their own company.
11. Liking too many questionable political sites on Facebook
If you like too many questionable political sites or pages on Facebook, then this could hurt your chances of getting the job interview. The employer may think that you’re not conservative (or liberal) enough for their company. This can also lead to some applicants feeling like they will have to censor themselves to get the job.
The 10 biggest mistakes job candidates make on social media can vary, but there are a few things that an employer will never let slide. Posting too much personal information or anything that could be taken negatively, like profanity or uncensored nudity, is sure to lose you the opportunity for a company’s position.
It’s important to consider how your posts affect others and any consequences they may have before posting them online. Hiding behind a professional profile picture and using an alias is also not advised. Employers will want to know who they are hiring, which could make the process more difficult than necessary.
Another example is complaining about work or bosses on social media. Employers will notice and may not want to hire you because they don’t think you’ll match their company culture.
You also have to consider how posting anything could affect other employees. This includes political views that might offend someone else’s personal beliefs. It can sometimes feel like a chore to refrain from self-promotion when looking for a new position, but it can distract from the interview process. It might, indeed, be best not to post at all while searching for jobs, especially for the corporate ones.
Image Credit: anna tarazevich; pexels; thank you!
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