21 signs from the NYC climate strike that say it all
The world is watching and there’s nothing less than a world at stake.
That was the message sent by an estimated 60,000 demonstrators who flooded lower Manhattan Friday for a day of action to raise awareness about the global climate crisis and the ongoing inaction of world governments tasked with responding to it. Anxious and fed up with platitudes and empty promises, the mostly young climate strikers took to the streets of New York City—joined by equally angry counterparts around the world—waving makeshift signs and demanding action before it’s too late.
Our photo editor Celine Grouard was on the scene to capture some of the most arresting signs of the demonstration. Below are 21 that we think capture the mood of the march—and underscore the dire need of a planet in peril.
1. Your $$$ at Work?
2. One Planet, Many Choices
3. Don’t Sugarcoat Global Warming
4. Listen to Your Mother
5. Look for Action
6. Solve the Climate Crisis for Your Children
7. Unless Someone Like You Cares . . .
8. Ask Me About Energy Storage
9. The Dinosaurs Thought They Had Time Too
10. Save Our Home
11. Strike With Me
12. Think or Swim
Photo: Celine Grouard for Fast Company]
13. You Want Kids to Clean Our Messes?
14. Don’t Make the Earth as Ugly as This Poster
15. I Can’t Sit Up but I’m Taking a Stand
16. When I’m 22 . . .
17. Fuck Clean Gradualism
18. No Pipelines
19. Denial Is Not a Policy
20. Our Planet [Hearts] You
21. Deny and Fry