50 Best Free Proxy Sites: Free Proxy Server List – July 2016

50 Best Free Proxy Sites: Free Proxy Server List – July 2016


There is no argument over the usability of the free proxy servers. However, depending on your location, some of such servers may work for you while others won’t. This is what makes it a hassle to find the one that works for you. Taking this into consideration, we have mentioned a list of top 50 free proxy sites which are going to make the search convenient for you. But before you begin looking for one, it is of importance for you to know what a proxy is in the first place.

free proxy sites

What Are Proxy Sites?

Depending on where you are located on the globe, there may be a number of websites which are not accessible in your region. This may end up being an issue since a few of the times, very useful websites like Youtube may as well be blocked in your region. However, if you would like to be in charge of defining what content you would like to see on the internet and wish to access the websites which are blocked in your region, then the free proxy sites are going to come in handy.

However, that is not the only reason that our free proxy server list is going to be useful for you. More often than not, you wish to surf the internet completely anonymously so that your family or perhaps your boss doesn’t get to know about the content that you have been surfing. Using free proxy sites will ensure that your browsing data will not be saved on your computer and no one will ever get to know about the content that you surfed. At the end of the day, what you do on the internet is strictly your business and no one should get to know about it.

Take Caution: It is indispensable to mention here that the free proxy servers are not always secure. This is why it is imperative to take caution while making use of them with the websites or pages which requires your personal details such as your credit card number or perhaps the address. Since the free proxy sites get blocked very often, it is unlikely that you’d be able to rely on a single one. Taking this into consideration, we have mentioned a free proxy server list of 2016 including the proxy sites which are highly secure and reliable. Take a look for yourself:

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purpose only. MobiPicker and its authors are not responsible for any legal issues that may arise due to using VPNs/proxies.

List Of Free Proxy Sites:-
1. Proxify – http://proxify.com/p/
2. Free Open Proxy –http://freeopenproxy.com
3. Proxy 2014 – http://proxy2014.net
4. Unblock YouTube Free –http://unblockyoutubefree.net
5. kProxy – http://www.kproxy.com/
6. BlewPass – http://www.blewpass.com/
7. Zfreez – http://zendproxy.com/
8. 4everproxy – http://4everproxy.com/
9. Unblock My Web –http://www.unblockmyweb.com/
10. YouTube Unblock Proxy –http://youtubeunblockproxy.com
11. Vtunnel – http://vtunnel.com/
12. Proxy.org – http://proxy.org/
13. New Ip Now – http://newipnow.com/
14. Ninja Clock – http://ninjacloak.com/
15. AnonyMouse – http://anonymouse.org/
16. AnonyMizer –http://www.anonymizer.com/
17. Defilter – http://defilter.us
18. Free Proxy Server –http://freeproxyserver.uk
19. Free YouProxyTube –http://freeyouproxytube.com
20. WebProxy.net – http://webproxy.net/
21. Working Proxy – http://workingproxy.net
22. Free YouTube – http://freeyoutube.net
23. HideOnline Proxy – http://freeyoutube.net
24. Vobas – http://www.vobas.com/
25. Vobas – http://www.vobas.com/
26. Don’t Filter – http://www.dontfilter.us/
27. Fast USA Proxy – http://fastusaproxy.com
28. YouTube Free Proxy –http://youtubefreeproxy.net
29. Proxyo – http://proxyo.info
30. Rapid Proxy – http://rapidproxy.us
31. Unblock YouTube Beat School –http://unblockyoutubeatschool.com
32. Hiding Your Info –http://hidingyour.info
33. Unblocker – http://unblocker.us
34. Quickproxy – http://quickproxy.co.uk
35. The Best Proxy – http://thebestproxy.info
36. EXCS – http://ecxs.asia
37. Just Proxy – http://justproxy.co.uk
38. Proxy-2014 – http://proxy-2014.com
39. VPN Browse – http://vpnbrowse.com
40. ProxyOne – https://proxyone.net
41. Web Proxy Free – http://webproxyfree.net
42. Can’t Block This –http://cantblockthis.org
43. Hide The Internet –http://hidetheinternet.com
44. Greatest Free Proxy –http://greatestfreeproxy.com
45. Proxay – http://www.proxay.co.uk`
46. ViewTube – http://viewyoutube.net
47. PRO Unblock – http://pro-unblock.com
48. HideMyTraxProxy –https://hidemytraxproxy.ca/
49. Working Proxy – http://workingproxy.net
50. Star Doll Proxy –http://stardollproxy.com

Hope you find the list of best free proxy sites helpful in your required job. If you know any other proxy sites which are free and safe to use, share with us in comments below.


The post 50 Best Free Proxy Sites: Free Proxy Server List – July 2016 appeared first on MobiPicker.

