7 Top-Selling Albums Reimagined For The Star Wars Universe [Photos]

August 2, 2015

Obi Wan Direction

Superfi wants some of the most popular bands and singers of all time to be remembered in a galaxy far far away. To reach that goal they have created seven album covers that integrate the originals with a touch of Star Wars flair.

Who wouldn’t want to listen to “Jabba’s” Gold album or pop in Taylor Sith’s newest album?

Which Superfi Star Wars tribute album is your favorite?

The 2PACA Album


JABBA – Gold

Jabba Gold Album

JEdi Sheeran – X Wing

JEdi Sheeran - X Wing album concept

Lady JarJar – The Shame

Lady JarJar

Obi-Wan Direction – Up All Knight

Obi Wan Direction

Republic Enemy – Fear Of A Black Planet

Republic Enemy

Taylor Sith – 1977

Taylor Sith 1977 album

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