70% of marketers feel inundated by the rapid pace of AI’s development and the need to incorporate it into their marketing strategies

70% of marketers feel inundated by the rapid pace of AI’s development and the need to incorporate it into their marketing strategies.

Feeling overwhelmed by AI? You are very much not alone: 70% of marketers feel inundated by the rapid pace of AI’s development and incorporation into their marketing strategies, according to a survey by SOCi. 

Nearly half (44%) said the frequent introduction of new AI tools and applications causes more confusion than assistance in their marketing activities. Why isn’t it helping? Well, 42% said they haven’t received any formal training on AI and its applications in marketing.

The survey is based on responses from 317 digital marketing professionals across B2C companies in the U.S. 

And now, here’s this week’s slew of new releases:

  • Seedtag’s Contextual Audiences allows advertisers to target users based on their interests without relying on personal data. This is done by analyzing the content of the web pages that users are visiting.
  • Anova.ai marketing analytics platform lets marketing teams talk to their data in natural language and get results instantly, without needing any technical skills.
  • MyTelescope’s new AI platform uses search data to predict opportunities, market trends, future sales, and market share. This platform can be used to forecast and steer business decisions with market intelligence.
  • AiBUY’s Multicart and Floating Cart help content creators and brands monetize content. These overlay technologies support an omnichannel marketing approach to improve the customer shopping experience and create shoppable opportunities within new or existing content.
  • LifeStreet’s Nero Dynamic Creatives improves in-app advertising by testing, analyzing and deploying a limitless number of AI-generated creative combinations across numerous audience segments.
  • Coveo added more than 15 new enhancements to its AI-powered search and recommendations platform. These are designed to improve digital experiences across commerce, service, website, and workplace.
  • Invoca’s Signal AI Studio helps businesses create custom AI models that automatically unlock breakthrough insights from phone conversations.
  • FOOM Club Ranking launched an innovative aggregator designed for real-time tracking and measurement of Twitter/X’s bot influence. This platform allows users to track trending bots and discover AI personalities that harmonize seamlessly with their brands.
  • Jivox announced enhancements to IQ Blaze Analytics, Powered by Snowflake. This solution provides high-impact metrics in a package, combining instant creative and media analytics in one place.
  • Addlly AI launched advanced second-generation AI tools for complete marketing workflows. These tools are designed to create blogs and social media posts with real-time data.
  • Resonate’s AI Insights by rAI applies generative AI to consumer datasets to reveal consumer insight. It analyzes thousands of consumer attributes to find those most important for audience definition.


70% of marketers feel inundated by the rapid pace of AI’s development and the need to incorporate it into their marketing strategies | DeviceDaily.com

The post This week’s AI-powered martech releases appeared first on MarTech.


About the author

Constantine von Hoffman

Constantine von Hoffman is managing editor of MarTech. A veteran journalist, Con has covered business, finance, marketing and tech for CBSNews.com, Brandweek, CMO, and Inc. He has been city editor of the Boston Herald, news producer at NPR, and has written for Harvard Business Review, Boston Magazine, Sierra, and many other publications. He has also been a professional stand-up comedian, given talks at anime and gaming conventions on everything from My Neighbor Totoro to the history of dice and boardgames, and is author of the magical realist novel John Henry the Revelator. He lives in Boston with his wife, Jennifer, and either too many or too few dogs.
