8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021

8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021

8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021 | DeviceDaily.com

Unfortunately, just because the year we don’t want to remember is finally over — it doesn’t mean everything will go back to normal. Times are still tough, and it’s more important than ever that we take steps to keep our bodies, spirits, and minds engaged. Thankfully, recommended podcasts can help us do just that.

According to statistics from Edison Research, 104 million American adults listened to podcasts on a monthly basis in 2020. And even if they didn’t listen regularly, over 212 million American adults knew about podcasting in general. This represents an increase of 37.5% in comparison to data from 2017. With most of us still spending a lot of time at home, podcasts are the perfect blend of simple, accessible, and flexible media.

Whether you’re going for a run, doing the dishes, or walking the dog, podcasts are a fantastic way of maximizing your time and learning or laughing on the go. With that in mind, the team at Quill Inc. curated a list of eight recommended podcasts for you to consider tuning into this year:

8 Recommended Podcasts for 2021

1. C-Suite

Cybercrime is a billion-dollar industry. With today’s excessive use of technology for our work and personal lives, the stakes have never been higher to protect our information. Every day, millions of people lose money, confidence, and peace of mind after being hacked. So, what can we do about it?

Listen to this recommended podcast by Claudette McGowan, TD Bank’s global executive officer for cyber security. She explores how cyber attacks happen and what we can do to avoid them. You will hear her cover phishing schemes, robocalls, and even huge corporate hacks. McGowan talks to real people and dissects their stories with experts who can pinpoint exactly what happened and why.

2. Women In Tech

Hosted by Espree Devora, a brilliant entrepreneur, speaker and startup journalist. For good reason, she is known as “The Girl Who Gets It Done.” Women in Tech, our second recommended podcast, features a series of fascinating, in-depth interviews with women making strides and breaking ground in traditionally male-dominated tech industries.

From social networking and video-sharing apps, to gaming, engineering, SaaS, programming, and developing, Espree leaves no stone of the tech field unturned. She proves to all of us—whether male or female—that nothing is impossible, even if the odds seem stacked against you.

3. Fearless Beauties

Despite claims to the contrary, the cosmetic and beauty industry has a very long way to go for racial inclusivity. From a lack of appropriate shades in make-up products, to pushing forward Eurocentric ideals of beauty and ignoring opportunities for representation of POC in marketing and advertising efforts, the oft-professed assertion by big beauty brands that “everyone is beautiful” needs to be actualized for people from all racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.

In Fearless Beauties, we hear the real-life stories of estheticians and skincare professionals of color in their own voices. You will learn of ways to foster greater inclusivity in this ever-growing industry.

4. Hello Seven

This podcast is perfect for aspiring female millionaires who yearn to hit the seven-figure income mark. Rachel Rodgers, the CEO of a seven-figure business herself, is the host of Hello Seven. This podcast aims to share tips, tricks, and resources designed to help women change their lives and make more money.

In a series of interviews with female guests who have earned a million dollars, listeners are given inside access to success stories and mistakes to avoid as they pursue their own million dollar dreams.

5. This American Life

Initially born as a public radio show in the 1990s, this weekly podcast is one of the most successful and long-running shows of all time. Hosted by Ira Glass, often lauded as the pioneer of the podcast industry, each episode of This American Life provides an immersive first-person narrative that revolves around a central, overriding theme.

Whether you want to hear about babies switched at birth, obesity, ‘stories about being little’, or two cops chasing a squirrel, there is guaranteed to be something to spark your interest and curiosity. And with an enormous archive filled with 25 years’ worth of episodes, you won’t soon run out!

6. StartUp

A docu-series about life as a founder and the highs and lows of developing, building, and running a digital media company, StartUp is hosted by Alex Blumberg, CEO of Gimlet Media. A refreshing, honest, and relatable take on building a business from scratch, the podcast takes its listeners along with them on the exciting ride of entrepreneurship from start to finish.

The seventh and final season looks at the aftermath of their acquisition by Spotify.

7. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

This audio version of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning program The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is a must-listen for both newbies and long-time aficionados of the TV show first made famous by Jon Stewart.

Featuring highlights and extended interviews from The Daily Show, the Ears Edition podcast is perfect for those who can’t get enough of Noah’s charismatic, hilarious, and informative commentary on the latest news, today’s culture, and the myriad of crazy events making headlines today.

8. Commerce Chefs

This podcast is cooking up some noteworthy eComm goodness. Hosted by Tom Collver and Kyle Dutka, founders of eComm creative agency, pb+j, this series was created to help commerce professionals better themselves and their brand.

Taking an almost journalistic approach to their analysis of commerce, Tom and Kyle guide you through their most pressing thoughts and questions as key eComm leaders and professionals chime in to drop nuggets of value. This series is perfect for anyone who is currently creating or has created an eComm brand and wants to learn from thought-leaders in an engaging, quirky, and authentic format.

It’s a Wrap

As you live out this new year, take a moment and refresh yourself. Try out a few new of these recommended podcasts to stretch your thinking, enjoy a new form of entertainment, and get away from your screens for a bit. Happy listening!

The post 8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021 appeared first on ReadWrite.


Fatima Zaidi

Fatima Zaidi is the CEO and co-founder of Quill Inc., the world’s first one-stop marketplace and agency where podcasters can find pre-vetted expert freelancers who will save them time, improve their podcast quality, and help grow their audience. With the expertise of veteran technical marketers, unique access to podcasting data, and a CEO that comes from a sales hacking background, Quill is positioned to be a fast-growing company. As an early adopter, Zaidi saw the promise and opportunity in the podcasting industry. This was only reinforced by her experience in marketing agency roles where clients were increasingly looking for exposure on existing podcasts or had aspirations to start their own. As a member of the National Speakers Bureau, Fatima has spoken at various events around the world on media and tech trends, leading her to keynote on world stages alongside speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, and, most recently, Richard Branson. In addition to being a commentator for BNN Bloomberg, she is a frequent contributor to publications, including The Globe and Mail and Huffington Post. Over the past few years, she has won two Top 30 under 30 awards and been recognized as one of Flare Magazine’s Top 100 Women.
