A quarantined couple uses household items to create iconic movie moments
As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the outpouring of creativity from people in quarantine and self-isolation has been hard to miss. The Getty Museum sent everyone scrambling around their homes to find materials to recreate famous artworks. John Krasinski created a news show from his home. One couple turned quarantine into an ’80s sitcom.
And now a couple in Hungary has transformed themselves into movie moments and posters using only household wares.
In a series posted to Facebook titled “Quarantine in the Kitchen,” Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert turned Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bazooka in Commando into rolls of toilet paper. Rocky Balboa trades in his boxing glove for an oven mitt. Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber? A stick blender.
Check out more of Kovács and Norbert’s movie interpretations including Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Scarface, and more below.