Adobe Buys Voice Interface Platform Sayspring

Adobe Buys Voice Interface Platform Sayspring

by , April 19, 2018

Adobe Buys Voice Interface Platform Sayspring |

As digital voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant become integrated into more homes, Adobe is taking a step to become a more integral part of the activity.

The company just acquired Sayspring, a New York company that allows designing voice applications without coding. The full Sayspring team joined Adobe this week to start work on integrating the technology into Adobe’s portfolio.

“The way we interact with our devices is at a significant inflection point,” stated Abhay Parasnis, executive vice president and chief technology officer in the Adobe announcement. “We’re moving beyond the keyboard and mouse and even our touch screens to using something that is even more natural — our voice — to interact with technology. Voice tech is growing fast.”

Sayspring launched just a year ago and focused on providing creators with tools to work with voice technology.

“The popularity of voice assistants and smart speakers continues to grow,” stated Mark Webster, CEO and founder of Sayspring. “Already, about half of U.S. adults use voice assistants and voice will be a part of every digital interaction within a few years.” 

Webster said the paid plans are being converted to free for the near future. Search Marketing Daily
