Adobe Searches For The Next Analytics Idol

Adobe Searches For The Next Analytics Idol

by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, September 6, 2017

Adobe wants to find the next analytics rock star, so the company plans to roll out a contest and take it on tour to three cities across the United States. This is the first year the company will take the show on the road in an effort to find those experts who have not had a chance to share at the company’s annual Summit.

Adobe Searches For The Next Analytics Idol |

The tour will give Adobe customers a chance to share their best tips and strategies using the vendor’s products. “It’s better than hearing Adobe people yap on about how good our products are,” said Eric Matisoff, data science and analytics evangelist at Adobe.

The event will make stops in New York City on October 17, Chicago on October 19, and San Francisco on November 1. Adobe will then curate the best tips for each city and help presenters prep presentation for the event. After everyone has presented, the audience will vote live on the winner, who will receive bragging rights and a free pass to Adobe Summit 2018, along with other prizes yet to be determined.

The three winners will compete against each other in Las Vegas, along with two other presenters who participate and win the contest at Summit 2018 in Las Vegas. One will be crowned Analytics Idol.

The concept isn’t entirely new. The first Analytics Idol took place in 2011, during the company’s annual summit, Adobe opened the session to customers to present their most innovative tips and best practices using Adobe analytics products. The audience voted on the tips they liked most. While all who presented received a gift, the winning presentation got an even bigger prize.

In 2017, the runners-up at the Summit received a $500 gift card to the airline or hotel of their choice. The winner received $1,000 gift certificate to the airline or hotel of their choice.

There are no requirements or prerequisites to participate — only that those entering the contest use Adobe Analytics.

One suggestion from a former winner came from Brad Millett, marketing analyst at Blast Analytics and Marketing, who suggested some best practices for defining and visualizing a consumer’s journey using visualizations in Analysis Workspace, a part of Adobe Analytics.

September 20 is the deadline to submit submissions to participate in any one of the three-city tour locations. Search Marketing Daily
