AI adoption coming quickly to the enterprise sector
AI adoption coming quickly to the enterprise sector

Narrative Science has released a new report based on a survey of 235 business executives focused on adoption of artificial intelligence in the enterprise. This report, titled Outlook on Artificial Intelligence in the Enterprise 2016 sheds light on a number of important details regarding the growing adoption of artificial intelligence as part of an organization’s overall business strategy.
The survey found that 74% of organizations are already using AI technologies in the workplace. This includes several key types of artificial intelligence systems. Among the most is predictive analytics which takes massive amount of data and analyzes it to find trends and offer predictions about the future based on that evidence.
Over half are using predictive analytics already
58% of respondents to the survey indicated they are using predictive analytics already. This is a growing area of investment for companies, and one that is only expected to get bigger as the methods of gathering data and the artificial intelligence used to parse it improves.
Among the 26% of organizations that say they are not currently using AI in the workplace, an incredible 88% of them went on to cite using specific solutions that rely on AI techniques. This seemingly invisible influence of artificial intelligence lends credibility to its ability to seamlessly integrate itself into the workplace.
The leading factor driving this rise in artificial intelligence is the proliferation of data-driven projects. With the emergence of app-driven interaction and increased adoption of cloud-based SaaS solutions, consumers and enterprise customers alike are providing massive amounts of useful data to companies that they can use to improve and expand on their products and services. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in analyzing that data in order to find areas where company resources are best spent.
One of the key reasons for so much investment in artificial intelligence is the lack of of data science talent. Data scientists, humans that are able to comb through large amounts of data and analyze them to create actionable information, are in high demand right now. There simply aren’t enough trained data scientists to go around. With demand for this talent on the rise, companies are looking to AI to fill in the gaps.
Artificial intelligence isn’t just a tool for a specific industry. In fact, the health industry uses it extensively. IBM’s Watson, which became known for winning Jeopardy against human competitors went on to assist in the healthcare sector to aid providers in diagnosis for patients. Companies like Google have been investing heavily in artificial intelligence in order to put it to work for their services, including self-driving cars.
Indeed, our robot overlords are already among us. They are working alongside humans in businesses large and small. They are helping you find the fastest way to get to work in the morning, avoiding any accidents and/or traffic jams along the way. They are helping companies better their products and services by helping them to understand how their customers are actually using their products.
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