AI Technology Bots are Looking Real Life-Like

AI Technology Bots are Looking Real Life-Like


The world is changing, and apparently, it’s moving to an era where flying cars and talking AI tech robots are a typical walk in the park. With technology taking over almost every aspect of our lives, change is occurring faster than we have interpreted.

Though, it’s not a bad thing, for it has made our lives easier and opened up new opportunities. Technology shouldn’t be our enemy rather, it should be your hand-in-hand alley.

Adapting to change will take humankind to boundaries that have not yet been reached.

Technology Is a Useful Servant But a Dangerous Master

Christian Lous Lange


AI Technology Bots are Looking Real Life-Like |

Do you think that having your kids take care of mowing the lawn or cleaning the floor is better than doing it yourself? But why do it yourself when you can have technology take care of it?

I’m not saying replace your children with robots; I’m just saying let technology lend you a hand with your tasks.

Technology has been able to provide robots that can do human-like tasks and solve problems better than humans. It shows-off the great invention of Artificial Intelligence technology. With this remarkable breakthrough, a lot of outstanding high-tech gadgets have been developed that make life easier.

AI technology has made our daily routine and tasks much easier to handle. From automated floor cleaning robots, voice-activated phone assistants, and self-parking cars.

All of these inventions will have you thinking about how far technology can go. Well, don’t go too far because it’s on the verge of creating human-like robots!

What is AI Technology?

Artificial Intelligence is basically robots doing motor-related tasks, and other problem-solving tasks like humans do. They handle any given task by using machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing to comprehend the data they are provided.

AI robots use this programming to find patterns from the information at hand and act on it. It’s really a controversial definition, for it differs from one researcher to another. However, the main part of it is robots doing what humans do, based on experience.

Nowadays, it’s very common to find AI technology in almost anything we use.

You can find it in your car, on your smartphone, or even on your laptop. AI tech is able to park your car without your help, navigate your phone with simple voice commands, and solve any task at hand on your computer programs.

You can find it on most Adobe applications as these programs all are based on Artificial Intelligence programming. For example, Adobe Photoshop can align the outer layers of a picture instantly with the use of machine learning. Audio programs like Adobe Audition can remove echo and noise sounds by just applying a simple machine learning preset.

We are surrounded by AI technology today — and more and more tech will be invented.

It seems as if AI technology can almost take over everything and leave us with absolutely nothing. Well, since this idea is somewhat true, researchers still believe that Technology won’t take over our jobs but actually provide more.

Researchers and developers created human-like robots that look like us and talk like us.

Artificial Humans

Artificial humans are here, and they are going to take over your job, home, and tax income. Actually, no, they’re not. Meet the NEON, which is the first artificial human created by STAR Labs.

This artificial is a computationally created virtual being that looks and behaves as humans do. It also has the ability to show emotions as we do. These amazing creations are still a working progress for STAR Labs.

At the CES 2020 convention, NEON’s CEO gave a brief and straightforward explanation of how their invention works.

They showed the audience a demo of what the NEON artificial human would look like and how it would act. Basically, they are virtual humans on a screen that looks very vivid and have exceptional attention to detail.

They can interact with humans and answer any question given to them. The most important aspect of this invention is that these AI can imitate the human body and facial expressions, as well as adopt new ones.

That is possible because of the thorough programming that enables them to detect certain patterns they see from the algorithm they have.

Journalists and the audience were able to test the first demos.

During that convention, a lot of journalists and audiences got the chance to test out the first demo of the NEON. Apparently, they work pretty well, and this might be an amazing breakthrough for STAR Labs and the AI tech industry.

Although there were a few setbacks noticed from the system, like video lagging and bad voice synchronization. Not to mention that some of the Artificial Humans had some small appearance details that needed to be adjusted.

CEO of NEON explained how they were going to fix these minor setbacks with a few modifications


CORE R3 is a program that NEON is based upon. It stands for Reality, Real-time, and Responsive. This outstanding project delivers a 100% visually real view, which, of course, is the reason behind the thorough appearance of the NEON’s Artificial Humans.

In addition, it prevents latency and delays with a range of less than 15 ms, as well as synthesizes original reality instantly.

What was made clear in the convention is that these minor setbacks and delays can be adjusted and reprogrammed thanks to the CORE R3. Of course, it will take time to provide a perfect model of the NEON, but I think it’s actually worth waiting.


This feature of programming is also based and implemented in the depth programming of the NEON. What Spectra does is that it complements the CORE R3 to provide a better performance in the expression of emotions and reactions.

Spectra represents intelligence, emotional, and immersional that allows the system to combine solutions to adapt rapidly to human behaviors. This gives the NEON the ability to imitate human expressions and develop new ones in the process of learning and memory.

The CEO of NEON also explained how this part of the model will be the solution behind the expression lagging and voice synchronization problem.

Seeing how the first model version works, it doesn’t seem as if they will have a problem with adjusting these minor setbacks. Although; the system still needs time to reach that aspect of perfection.

What Can Come from NEONs?

AI Technology Bots are Looking Real Life-Like |

First of all, this state-of-the-art invention is not designed to replace humans. It wasn’t built on the purpose of replacing humans and taking over our jobs. In fact, the reason behind it is just to make our lives easier, simpler, and more productive.

NEON’s vision is simply to have these Artificial Humans take part in society and provide services to the people that can’t have these benefits.

Who can the NEON represent?

— An influencer that can help with consultation and giving you business advice.

— A TV presenter and anchor that tells the news and the latest updates.

— A sales representative that will take on one-on-one customer interaction and providing all their needs.

— A tutor that educates society in different educational fields.

— An agent that will provide instant seat booking and flight information.

All of the AI tech BOTs come in different languages.

The vision and intention of this project are to provide these services for people who are unable to attend appointments or can’t make it because of long-distance. Also, to have a nice and pleasant person greeting you at the train station and assisting you with any concerns you might have.

It’s all for the greater good and to provide more help and make things easier for society and the world.

Stop Feeling Like BOTs are a Horrifying Thing — They’re Wonderful.

You shouldn’t be afraid of changing or adapting to the fact the technology might take over our lives (in a good way, of course).

It’s all for the greater good, and hopefully, no harm will come from it.

Give technology a chance, and you might see a brighter future for you and the world around you.

Image Credit: yuyeung-lau; unsplash

The post AI Technology Bots are Looking Real Life-Like appeared first on ReadWrite.


Joe Marji


I’m a constant blogger from the great city of Ottawa, Ontario. I enjoy all kinds of sports activities but I’m a nerd for modern-age technology gadgets. How ironic! I believe that words speak louder than actions, especially when they’re coming from your angry partner. Anti-Pineapple pizza supporter and a huge dog lover.
