Amazon Echo owners spend more on average than Prime members

Think you spend a lot on Amazon? Here’s a clue to help find out: Do you own an Echo? If so, you are part of a class of Amazon customers that spends more on average than everyone else.

According to data from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, Amazon Echo owners spent, on average, approximately $1,700 a year. That is more than Prime members, who spend around $1,300. And it’s way more than plain old Amazon U.S. customers, who spend a mere $1,000 on average.

Amazon Echo owners spend more on average than Prime members |

Data from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, LLC

While the Echo provides many tools that go beyond digital shopping, these numbers indicate that the device does help bolster loyal customers. And as Amazon looks toward monetizing the Echo even more with ads, the device is looking more and more like a quiet force to be reckoned with.


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