Pinned September 24, 2017

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Amazon tests one-hour delivery for your fashion show picks
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Amazon tests one-hour delivery for your fashion show picks

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

September 16, 2017
Amazon tests one-hour delivery for your fashion show picks |
David M. Benett via Getty Images

Ever seen a style at a fashion show that you wish you could wear out the same night? Amazon might just fulfill your wishes. It’s testing an option that delivers highlights from Nicopanda’s London Fashion Week lineup to local Prime subscribers within an hour — think of it as Prime Now for your wardrobe. Customers still have to pay on top of the subscription requirement, but it means you can get a bomber jacket or scarf in time to impress everyone at your next social outing.

The internet retailer has tried to shake up fashion more than once before, including the advice it dishes out through the Echo Look speaker. And labels besides Nicopanda are trying similar impulse purchase strategies, including Burberry and Tommy Hilfiger. With that said, this could be different. If Amazon decides to make these fashion show purchases a regular feature, the company’s sheer ubiquity and experience with online shopping could spur brands to sign up knowing that they could see a wave of early buyers. Individual labels may have strong recognition, but they don’t necessarily have Amazon’s shipping know-how.

Source: Reuters

