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Amazon will stop supporting its Dash Wand shopping device on July 21st
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Amazon will stop supporting its Dash Wand shopping device on July 21st

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

June 21, 2020
Amazon will stop supporting its Dash Wand shopping device on July 21st |

Amazon is dropping support for yet another Alexa device in a matter of weeks. AFTVnews has learned that Amazon will no longer support the Dash Wand shopping helper as of July 21st, 2020. It didn’t explain why (we’ve asked Amazon for comment), but it did encourage owners to participate in a device recycling program. There’s no mention of offering an alternative device as compensation, although the Wand’s $50 price and many promotions (such as receiving a free Wand with an Amazon Fresh subscription) makes a swap unlikely.

The Dash Wand was a handheld, battery-based Alexa device with a barcode reader. You’d use it to order more food just by scanning existing containers and asking for more. It also served as an always-available voice assistant in parts of the home where a fixed-in-place Alexa speaker might not hear you.

However, it lost much of its reason for being. Alexa-capable speakers became more affordable and ubiquitous — unless you really wanted that barcode reader, an Echo Dot in the kitchen represented a better value. And if you really needed portability, your phone and the Alexa app were likely enough. In that light, the end to Dash Wand support is a recognition that Amazon’s resources are better spent on the devices people use.

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