An EV SSL Certificate is More Important Than Other SSL Certification
An EV SSL Certificate is More Important Than Other SSL Certification
An EV SSL certificate (aka green bar SSL certificates) is the most prominent choice of many organizations across the globe. The worth of an EV SSL certificate is not only the organization’s name shown in the browser bar next to the URL of your domain. Here is why an EV SSL Certificate is more critical than other SSL Certification.
What is the worth of EV SSL Certificates?
Now, with the new updates of some browsers, they have started not to display the organization name directly.
But still, there are lots of points that define the worth of EV SSL certificates. In terms of Website Security guide, EV SSL is the Most Trusted SSL Certificate.
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One thing that defines the worth of an EV SSL certificate is the thorough verification method opted by respective CAs. As part of the verification process, every CA carries various verification checks to identify the legitimacy of the organization requiring the EV SSL.
EV SSL certificate verification steps:
Verifying domain ownership.
The first and foremost step to initiate the EV SSL verification method is to verify the domain you want SSL certificate for. All CA have the practice to verify the domain. This is the primary task, confirming the domain helps them realize that you own the domain you need SSL for.
Verifying the business.
In this second step of verification, CA looks for several sources (legitimate) on the internet to verify the address supplied by you while enrolling for EV SSL. Your business should have a legitimate listing on popular directories like D&B or any other.
Verifying the authority.
This is the last leg of the verification process aimed at the verification of the authorized person within the organization. CAs carry this process by phone verification of the respective authority within the organization.
Generally, this verification process stretched for a couple of days spanning from 3 – 5 days, depending upon the availability of the information.
The purpose of an EV SSL shows the user the brand they are associated with and build trust among visitors. With phishing scams becoming so common nowadays more and more businesses are choosing EV SSL certificates for their websites.
SSL for eCommerce websites is the most critical aspect, as companies want to build trust in the minds of customers as well as to show the legitimacy of a business.
A recent study conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology Cyber Forensics Innovation (CyFI) Laboratory has some interesting facts to highlight the importance of EV SSL.
“CyFI Lab’s research concluded that the presence of an Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate represents a 99.987% likelihood that the website is not associated with common forms of online crime.”
With the above-mentioned verification procedure, it is rare that a hacker can get an EV SSL certificate for their domain to perform phishing activity.
Because hackers can’t get this certificate, it differentiates your website from the fake websites out there on the internet, and it is the worth of EV SSL certificate.
Let me explain to you the different perspectives wherein you would understand why EV SSL certificates should be the first choice when it comes to purchasing an SSL certificate for your website.
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Why EV SSL is Different than DV SSL
DV SSL certificate, aka domain validated SSL certificates are a basic SSL certificate; this certificate aimed at giving just basic security to all website owners. The verification procedures opted by CAs for issuing DV SSL certificates are just basic validation.
As the name suggests, verify the domain control.
For example, anyone having “control of domain” can get a DV SSL by performing certain steps on the domain management level. A hacker can host pages looking like a legitimate website and can take the advantages of phishing scams in order to dupe innocent online users.
According to Anti-Phishing Working Group, more than 58% of all phishing websites now use SSL certificates to “PROVE” legitimacy.
There is a rise in phishing scams and easily availability of DV SSL certificates for the domain controller.
It is time that customers should be aware of identifying legitimate websites. Hackers nowadays have fully understood the risk of not using SSL certificates so do online users.
But still, as per the study conducted by APWG, the phishing scams have been increasing month on month. This is where the adoption of EV SSL certificate can make a huge difference.
The price of an EV SSL certificate compared to the basic SSL certificates are higher. But it differentiates your websites from the look-a-like phishing websites and brings the identity to your business.
It’s worth the efforts to get into the thorough verification procedures to get an EV SSL certificate for your business.
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