Ann Coulter claims kids held in ICE detention centers are actors

By Melissa Locker

June 18, 2018

Failed comedian Ann Coulter is taking a page out of the NRA playbook and claiming that children at the center of violence are merely “actors.” She stopped by the Fox News show The Next Revolution on Sunday to claim that the children taken from their parents by ICE officers and held in detention centers are child actors trained by “liberals.” “I would also say one other thing, these child actors weeping and crying on all the other networks 24/7 right now: do not fall for it, Mr. President. I get very nervous about the president getting his news from TV,” Coulter said on the show.

Coulter, who has reportedly helped Trump draft immigration policy in the past, continued: “A New Yorker article . . . not a conservative publication, they describe how these kids, these kids are being coached. They’re given scripts to read by liberals, according to the New Yorker.” She went on to warn viewers, including, presumably, the president, “Don’t fall for the actor children.”

It’s unclear which New Yorker article Coulter is citing. Perhaps the one titled “Taking Children From Their Parents Is A Form Of State Terror“? However, in covering Coulter’s story, Breitbart links to New York Times article in which Trump administration officials claim that “migrant children have been coached on what to say to make fraudulent claims for asylum,” a claim that immigration advocates vehemently deny.

Advocates believe the administration is breaking up families to send a message to those who might try to cross the border illegally, even though the Department of Homeland Security’s own data does not support the idea that such separations will act as a deterrent.

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