‘Apex Legends’ season 13 will bring big changes to the Ranked system
‘Apex Legends’ season 13 will bring big changes to the Ranked system
The latest playable legend, Newcastle, will also arrive on May 10th.

Respawn is set to once again shake up Apex Legends next month when the battle royale’s 13th season, called Saviors, gets underway. For one thing, there are major changes on the way to the competitive Ranked system. The studio says the new approach will reward teamwork and skill, as you’ll “rise and fall through the ranks together.”
A new season means there’ll be another playable legend to get to grips with. The next character to join the ranks is called Newcastle. His abilities haven’t been fully revealed, but he does have a shield. No word as yet as to whether he’s a member of the Toon Army, though he seems to be Bangalore’s brother.
Elsewhere, players can expect the Storm Point map to look significantly different after a security protocol is triggered by a monster from the deep. As yet, there doesn’t seem to be a major new game mode this time around. Respawn added a big team mode called Control in February, at the start of the current season.
More details about map updates, Newcastle, the overhauled Ranked system and the new battle pass will be revealed in the coming days. Apex Legends: Saviors starts on May 10th.