Apple receives permit to test self-driving cars in California

Apple receives permit to test self-driving cars in California1


Apple’s secretive self-driving project has received a permit to test driverless vehicles in California, which could be our first preview of the iPhone maker’s autonomous technology.

The self-driving tech has been in development, under the codename Project Titan, for a few years. During that time, the project has supposedly moved from a hardware, software, and services package to a more software oriented project.

See Also: Detroit passes Silicon Valley as center for self-driving research

Apple has registered three Lexus RX vehicles and six drivers, which does give some credence to the reports of it focusing primarily on software. The permit does not disclose what sensors the company plans to use.

All companies registered with the California’s DMV have to file disengagement and crash reports every month, this could be our first insight into the sophistication of Apple’s tech.

Apple technically isn’t even working on a car?

Apple has still not publicly acknowledged it is working on a self-driving vehicle and declined to comment on the permit.

It said in a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that it is “investing heavily in the study of machine learning and automation, and is excited about the potential of automated systems in many areas, including transportation,” which looks like the closest we’re going to get to a confirmation until near launch.

The company will join a growing list of tech firms testing autonomous vehicles in California, including Waymo (Google’s self-driving division), Tesla, General Motors (with Cruise Automation) and Uber.

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