Apple’s new iCloud web interface is much more useful than before
Apple confirms iCloud web apps, impending death of iWeb and iDisk

D. Murph

MobileMe’s complete disappearance is still a good ways off, but it’s safe to say that the transition to iCloud is well underway at Cupertino (and Maiden, North Carolina, for that matter). A brief FAQ has emerged today over at Apple’s site, detailing answers to a few burning questions about the future of MobileMe. As stated before, all MobileMe users who had an account prior to June 6, 2011 will see their service extended through June 30, 2012 at no extra cost, but what’s new here is the amount of functionality that’ll also be available from a website. Starting at an undisclosed time “this fall,” will allow users to access Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Bookmarks, Find My iPhone and Back to my Mac, relieving fears that iCloud was severing ties with the browser altogether. Unfortunately, iWeb, Gallery and iDisk aren’t making the cut, and while it seems that previously stored files will still be accessible, we wouldn’t count on being able to add anything new a year from now. Hit the source for the rest of the nitty-gritty.