AppsFlyer Develops Predictive Analytics Tool In Response To Apple’s Privacy Rules

AppsFlyer Develops Predictive Analytics Tool In Response To Apple’s Privacy Rules

by  @lauriesullivan, February 11, 2021

AppsFlyer Develops Predictive Analytics Tool In Response To Apple's Privacy Rules |

AppsFlyer on Thursday announced it will launch a new predictive analytics tool that will become part of its SKAdNetwork suite, SK360.

PredictSK — AppsFlyer’s predictive analytics solution for SKAdNetwork — will roll out later this year, after Apple begin to enforce its App Tracking Transparency framework in early spring.

The SK360 suite will continue to support the ecosystem throughout Apple’s upcoming privacy updates.

One of SKAdNetwork’s limitations is the short time frame that advertisers have to measure campaign performance.

SKAdNetwork will become a major part of campaign measurement and optimization on iOS, following Apple’s latest privacy changes. This deterministic attribution framework provides advertisers with some data on their iOS campaigns.

While Apple has been continuously making updates to improve its offering to advertisers and app developers, it also introduces critical limitations.

AppsFlyer’s set of tools enables brands to configure and optimize their conversion value, validate their data and keep it fraud-free, as well as integrating with their choice of partners through a dedicated, centralized analytics dashboard.

Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Snap, ironSource and dozens of others have signed on to ensure that relevant data such as postbacks URLs, a postback URL and conversion value schemas are delivered to AppsFlyer and any partner.

Twitter has been working with AppsFlyer to create a plug-and-play tool to validate advertisers’ campaigns, according to Liwei Chen, Twitter staff product manager.

AppsFlyer says that advertisers will have the ability to leverage early signals of engagement, between 24 hours and 72 hours, to predict long-term campaign performance. Search & Performance Marketing Daily
