Area 51 neighbors: Here’s how to escape the invasion and enjoy a free trip to Belize instead

By Melissa Locker

As seemingly the entire internet prepares to invade Area 51, the tiny town of Rachel, Nevada, is getting more than a little anxious about the possibility of a massive influx of tourists. After all, Rachel is the closest town to the U.S. Air Force Base within the Nevada Test and Training Range, a military installation that more than 2 million people have sworn to invade on September 20 to finally “see them aliens.”

Even if the event is like every other Facebook event where everyone RSVPs and fewer than half actually bother to show up (even though you ordered enough appetizers for everybody), Rachel residents would still be overwhelmed. The town has just 54 residents. “It’s a little scary to think that many people could descend on a town of 54,” resident Connie West, who owns a local inn, told the Las Vegas Sun. “How can you prepare?”

Well, if Belize has its way, maybe they don’t have to prepare at all. The tourism board of the Central America country has offered Rachel residents a free place to stay to avoid the impending alien-hunting crowds. Rachel residents 18 years of age or older can send an email to to take the country up on the deal. They just have to be able to prove that they actually live in Rachel. Once they have submitted proof, up to 10 winners will be randomly selected among the eligible entries received. Belize will pay for airfare and hotel accommodations for the winning Rachel residents to stay in the country from September 19 to 21.

The deadline to claim the offer is 11:59 p.m. CDT, Thursday, August 8. Complete rules are available here. If you don’t live in Rachel but still want to avoid the conspiracy lovers who are convinced that The X-Files was a documentary, either fly to Belize yourself (they have a lovely coworking space) or just get off Facebook and hope for the best.


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