Bing Ads Editor now supports separate ads for search and native ads
Advertisers can create custom ads for native placements on in bulk.
The latest version of Bing Ads Editor supports custom ads development for native. Instead of creating one ad to be served in both search and native ad environments, advertisers can now create ads specifically for native inventory on in bulk using the tool.
“Native ads perform better when they explain benefits and entice users to read more about a product and service, as opposed to a typical call to action in a search ad,” says Bing Ads in the announcement.
Distinct native ad copy is already supported in the Bing Ads web interface. Native ad formats will only serve in placements as long as there is at least one search ad in the ad group. If there is no search ad included in the ad group, the native ad copy will be eligible for both search and native placements.
The new version of Bing Ads Editor also now supports callout extensions and will automatically de-dupe elements from campaigns imported from Google AdWords.
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