Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cancelled For Wii U, Coming In 2018 For Nintendo Switch

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cancelled For Wii U, Coming In 2018 For Nintendo Switch

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, an upcoming action platformer made by Koji Igarashi, the man behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, managed to gather more than $5.5 million on Kickstarter, and the game was planned for the Wii U. In a recent update, Koji revealed that the Nintendo Switch will also get the game.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cancelled For Wii U, Coming In 2018 For Nintendo Switch
Image Source: Kickstarter

Unfortunately for Wii U owners, Koji released a statement in which he confirms that the game is canceled for the Wii U. It will come out for other platforms (Xbox One, PS4, PlayStation Vita,  and PC). The good news is that one new platform was added since the game is now confirmed for the Nintendo Switch.

In the statement, the team behind the game explained that “During our Kickstarter campaign, the Wii U was at the height of its popularity, but the situation has drastically changed after the release of Nintendo Switch.

This change made it difficult to receive the necessary support from the hardware maker, which has led us to drop the Wii U development and shift the development to Nintendo Switch.”

For all people who backed the game and expected for it to come to the Wii U, they can move their pledge to another version of the game or they can request a refund.

Also, “The Switch version is now available as an option in the backer survey for anyone who has a physical or digital version of Bloodstained coming, replacing the Wii U version.”

Here’s a detailed guide on how to change platform or to cancel the pledge:

If you selected the Wii U version in your backer survey and you want the Switch version, you’re all set! The Switch version has replaced the Wii U version in the survey, so no further action is necessary on your part.

If you selected the Wii U version and you want to move to a PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Vita version, you can go to your backer survey and make the change now. (Click the “Change Your Survey Answers” link.) 

If you selected the Wii U version and don’t want any of the Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Vita versions, you’re eligible for a cancellation and refund if you meet all the following criteria:

  • You filled out your backer survey and selected the Wii U version prior to this update.
  • You backed at an unlimited tier ($28 to $500)
  • You are able to receive a refund via PayPal
  • You submit your refund request before the April 20, 2017, deadline. 

If you’re eligible for a refund and backed at a tier that included two copies of the game, including the Wii U version, we can also help you adjust your tier to its single-copy equivalent. Refund requests will be processed via PayPal at a later date. 

All requests should be e-mailed to with the subject “Bloodstained Wii U refund.” (Please include the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account.)

Image Source: Kickstarter

And, if you haven’t backed the game, but own the Switch and want to back it after the recent news, just visit this link.

Bad news for Wii U owners, but great news for the Switch owners since the game managed to garner extreme interest from gamers, breaking records with its immensely successful Kickstarter campaign.

The post Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cancelled For Wii U, Coming In 2018 For Nintendo Switch appeared first on MobiPicker.

