Born on February 29, 1936? Happy 21st birthday! Ryan Reynolds wants to buy you a drink

By Jeff Beer

Arlene Manko is turning 21 this year. It’s an exciting time. She’ll finally be able to consume alcohol legally. She can jettison her fake ID. She won’t have to endure any more skeptical looks at the store. Just the pure, unfettered freedom of adulthood.

To celebrate, Ryan Reynolds wanted to make sure that Arlene’s first law-abiding tipple was his own Aviation Gin.

Oh, one more thing . . . . Arlene was born in 1936.

Ah, Leap Year humor. It doesn’t get old, because it only happens every four years. Created by Reynolds’s production company Maximum Effort, along with agency 160over90, the spot is consistent with the pretty epic run of creative that the actor and brand owner has been producing for the past couple of years.

You’d think it’d be tough to follow up the string of ad gold that Reynolds has managed to spin, from his advertising Turducken, to the science of Michael Bay for his Netflix film 6 Underground, to of course, the Peloton Wife coup, but here he doesn’t disappoint.

The new spot is funny, self-referential, and again personally connected to Reynolds, who launched the new spot on his own social feeds. As part of the campaign, he is offering free gin to anyone else born on February 29, 1936. If that’s you, just email him at for a gift card to an online booze retailer.

Meantime, as Arlene says, “I’m ready to party.”

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