Canon USA Names YouTube Creator Anna Akana Next Rebel

by @lauriesullivan, June 23, 2016

Canon USA will announce Thursday at VidCon that Anna Akana, YouTube creator, will become the next Rebel in the company’s Rebel with a Cause campaign.

The campaign showcases modern-day rebels who challenge convention in their own way while capturing causes near and dear to their hearts through the eye of a Canon Rebel DSLR camera. Canon began a search for its latest rebel earlier this year.

Akana is an advocate against cyberbullying and works with young kids to build self-confidence, according to Robert Altman, manager at Canon USA. “We will work with her to create content,” he said.

Canon looks for engagement from the creator’s audience and the type of comments fans leave in content posts.

“Tying x-number of dollars in revenue to one specific segment or person is just as difficult today as it was years ago trying to tie sales to a TV spot or a print ad,” Altman said.

While Canon’s customers range in age, Altman said YouTube skews to a younger audience that also might want to create content.

One of the first questions fans of YouTube creators typically asks is “Hey, what did you shoot this on?” which for brands is worth a million bucks. 

VidCon, the annual video star convention that takes place in Anaheim, Calif, near Disneyland, attracts fans, talent, and brands looking for that relationship, but it appear that tying sales back to creators and investments in YouTube hasn’t got any easier. Search Marketing Daily
