Chrome 51.0.2704.36 APK Download Brings Speedy Performance Improvements

Chrome 51.0.2704.36 APK Download Brings Speedy Performance Improvements

Google Chrome for Android is undoubtedly one of the most popular browsers and comes preinstalled in most of the Android smartphones and tablets. Google Chrome APK is one of the most downloaded apps in the Play Store, as the browser offers great features across all platform with proper sync and is completely free to use.

google chrome for android

Google Chrome APK download file for Android has been updated and now stands at version number 51.0.2704.36. The latest Chrome APK file is 121.24 MB large and works with all Android smartphones running on Android N Preview. Yes, this build has been extracted from the Preview version of Android N, but it should run on Android 4.0.3+ devices.

There are no major changes in the new update, but the Chrome 51.0.2704.36 APK update does bring bug fixes and speedy performance improvements to enhance the overall browsing experience of the user. If you want to download Google Chrome APK latest version, then go to through the source link given below and get the APK free from there.

The post Chrome 51.0.2704.36 APK Download Brings Speedy Performance Improvements appeared first on MobiPicker.

