ContentSquare’s AI Bot Arti Processes Trillions Of Data Points Monthly

ContentSquare’s AI Bot Arti Processes Trillions Of Data Points Monthly

by Laurie Sullivan, Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 30, 2017

ContentSquare on Tuesday launched Arti, an artificial Intelligence (AI) bot that uses data to identify the locations and behavior of consumers in real time as they interact with a company’s Web site.

ContentSquare's AI Bot Arti Processes Trillions Of Data Points Monthly

“We collect every mouse movement and touch, and can tell when someone comes to the site who’s impatient,” said Efrat Ravid, CMO of the Americas at ContentSquare. “From this data, we can create behavioral segmentations to accommodate their behavior.”

Arti collects and processes trillions of data points each month from every site visitor interaction on a brand’s Web site, mobile Web site, and mobile app, and makes recommendations on how to optimize the content.

Lucie Buisson, head of product at ContentSquare, said a handful of clients are testing the platform. The platform also lets teams collaborate on the software of a service platform and give feedback, and has an extensive reporting infrastructure along with A/B testing features.

ContentSquare has about 200 clients that have millions of customers monthly. Each spend about one to three minutes on the site. “They click, they scroll up, they scroll down and we collect all this,” she said.

ContentSquare creates audience segments based on customer behavior during a specific part of the day, along with other data.

The AI technology also powers the launch of the company’s UX Performance Center meant to help brands improve real-time decisions made around data and user experiences on sites.

From the real-time data, the AI lets marketers optimize or alter the customer journey such as increase or decrease engagement to maximize conversion rates.

The content center platform consists of three main features—My Feed, My Insights, and Discover—each sharable with other members of the team. My Feed tells the market what to focus on first. My Insights shows how to optimize the content. Discover provides additional insights through the data. Search Marketing Daily
