Could Cyber-crime Actually Make The Internet Safer? [Infographic]

— December 29, 2017

Cybercrime is one of those things we should all be doing more to prevent. But the fact is we are all human and humans are prone to errors. Hackers know this and that is how they continually exploit humans to gain access to protected data. The encryptions and programs can be the strongest in the world but if one person has password as their password it will all come crashing down. So isn’t it time we start looking at different ways to build the Internet that would be safer?

Cyber crime can cost companies millions of dollars – overall in the global economy in 2016 the cost was $ 450 billion, and that figure is only growing each year. The old way of building network infrastructure, in which you have to keep hackers out or they will destroy your business, isn’t going to work. We know this now. You have to build your network infrastructure in a way that hackers can’t access huge amounts of data just by exploiting one person’s unsafe password or by getting one person to click a malicious link.

Enter blockchain. Yes, the technology that gives us cryptocurrency can actually make the Internet safer by decentralizing everything. Instead of hacking one website to gain access to millions of people’s sensitive information, hackers will instead have to hack each person individually. Sure, hacking will still occur, but it won’t be on the scale that can bring down millions of people with a few keystrokes.

What is your company doing to address the growing cyber threats the world is starting to see? Chances are you are stuck in the old way of thinking and it’s not going to work out for you in the long term. Learn more about how a decentralized web could change the hacking game forever from this infographic!

Could Cyber-crime Actually Make The Internet Safer? [Infographic] |

Infographic Source: Cyber Security Degrees

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Brian Wallace

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