Did You Know Your CBD Vape Pen Is A Life Hack?

Did You Know Your CBD Vape Pen Is A Life Hack?

This has become a time where most of us are trying to stay busy and occupy the mind, but the current global pandemic seems inescapable. We’re all trying our best to keep a level head and stay positive even though we are living through uncertainty. Many of us have turned to Pinterest to look up the latest hack for this or the best DIY project to stay productive and busy. Well, all I know is that I’m so glad we have CBD to coat the nerves! I mean, come on, vaping CBD is like a life hack! A life hack that we’re going to dive into a little more because life is throwing all kinds of curve balls on a daily basis and if you aren’t up on this hack…keep reading!

What is your daily routine like now? For many of us it used to consist of waking up and running around the house like a mad man to get to work on time, but now, we wake up, make a cup of coffee and turn on the news to make sure a zombie apocalypse hasn’t ensued. Yes, a drastic stretch, but somehow that’s on my mind everytime I wake up. What you will see on the news is a dramatic count of lives infected, as well as lost, and this is a very good time to pull out your CBD pen. If you haven’t noticed, the news outlets have been creating havoc and panic with their overexaggerated stories, but no worries for you because this is hack #1…ease those nerves when you get a glimpse of the news. Get some of the facts without all of the worry!

Since everyone is at home with nothing but time on their hands it’s no wonder your mom, grandma, and friends are calling everyday with a new issue or conspiracy theory to discuss. By the time you hang up, you feel a tightness in your chest because you think maybe the 5g towers are going to kill us all! So, hack #2 is to utilize your vape pen when anyone calls and wants to talk about unpleasant things that lead your mind down the perpetual rabbit hole of despair. Another idea: maybe hit decline if they do it everyday because who needs all that negativity?

This might not directly apply to all of us, but kids…yes, kids. They are running around the house, literally climbing the walls with boredom. I mean this in the nicest way, but you never realize how much of a handful your own kids are until you’re locked in a house with them with no end in sight. So, when you’re daughter comes up to you and asks to have the 10th tea party of the day and all you want to do is really continue to binge watch the random show you’re into….you already know, this is hack #3. You can apply this hack even if you are quarantined with a bunch of your family members, because let’s face it…too much time together is a thing!

This brings us to the one place most of us dread going now, the grocery store. The news outlets told the public this would be the worst week to go, so that’s scary, but it’s such an eerie experience now overall. You have your mask, your gloves, your hand sanitizer, and your list, but good luck finding everything on that list because the shelves are empty for the most part. So, hack #4 is using that God-sent vape pen before you go to the store. When you get there, pop those earphones in and shop effortlessly and carefree. This way you’re not over analyzing every move you make wondering how badly you are cross contaminating yourself. You’ve got your supplies so get in and get out!

This last hack is one the majority of the world is experiencing and that is going over the finances.  Most have either lost their jobs or been laid off so the very thought of “bills” sends chills down the spine. So, yes, hack #5 is taking a long pull from that CBD vape pen before going over the finances and making those calls to see what your options are. The silver lining of this situation is that many companies are working with people and providing 60 day extensions with no penalty. I guess we have to see where we go from there, but it’s a decent start. Also, in many states they have put a temporary ban on evictions. You’ll obviously still have to make arrangements to pay, but you cannot be out on the streets.

Who knew a CBD vape pen could be so versatile? You do now!

About the Author: Patrick Dales

As a pastime, he loves to write about health and wellness in natural ways and enjoys yoga and meditation. Furthering happiness and health of readers is his number one goal. He graduated from the Harvard School of Journalism.
