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‘Disintegration’ public multiplayer beta starts January 31st
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‘Disintegration’ public multiplayer beta starts January 31st

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

January 15, 2020

'Disintegration' public multiplayer beta starts January 31st |


You won’t have to wait long to see if Halo veteran Marcus Lehto’s Disintegration lives up to the early buzz. V1 Interactive and its publisher Private Division have revealed that a public beta of the tactical shooter will run between January 31st and February 1st on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. There will also be closed beta tests on January 28th and 29th between 11AM and 3AM Eastern each day. In both cases, you’ll have access to two of the three multiplayer modes as well as seven playable teams.

One mode, Control, will be very familiar to modern gamers — your goal is to capture and hold points on the map. Retrieval, in turn, will have one team delivering cargo while another team tries to defend.

Disintegration has garnered early attention through both its premise and its core gameplay. It’s set in a dystopic world where a flawed take on transhumanism has led to civil war for a species already on the brink. Also, this isn’t just a straightforward first-person shooter. In the core game, at least, you’ll have control over a team that’s reminiscent of real-time strategy games. It’s not just about the tactical skills of you and your fellow human players — you have to think about broader tactics. It’s not guaranteed to rival Halo or other big-budget shooters, but it could stand out in a sea of clones.

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