Pinned May 14, 2020

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Evo 2020 is canceled, but organizers are planning an online event
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Evo 2020 is canceled, but organizers are planning an online event

Richard Lawler, @Rjcc

May 1, 2020

The “world’s biggest fighting game tournament” has joined the list of events canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Organizers announced in a tweet that the annual battle in Las Vegas is off for 2020, but “to keep the Evo spirit alive, we’re bringing the event online this summer.”

According to the post, all arena tickets and hotel reservations will be refunded automatically, with a form going up next week for tournament registration. Fighting games are a little more complicated to do online than other esports with the tight timing that can be impacted due to connection issues, but we’ll see if the tournament’s game lineup stays the same or adjusts due to conditions.

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