Facebook Chrome Extensions Redefine Save, Share From Across The Web
by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, June 28, 2016
Google Chrome browser extensions from Facebook will let users save and share content on the social site when browsing or searching across the Web.
Facebook announced on Tuesday Chrome Browser Buttons for Google Chrome – Save to Facebook and Share to Facebook. These extensions, which allow users to save and share content, are available to download in the Chrome Web Store. The social plugins are available for third-party Web sites and mobile apps.
The two features should help populate the News Feed with more content, giving advertisers additional insight into who likes what and where they search to find it.
The Save to Facebook button allows users to search the Web using Google’s Chrome browser and save content from articles, videos, recipes or product information to Facebook. The “save” creates a dedicated bookmark on Facebook.
Similar to Save to Facebook, the Share to Facebook feature allows users to share more content from Google Chrome to Facebook, Groups and Messenger, while browsing off of Facebook.
The buttons aren’t new, but the ability to save and share content from the Chrome browser is. Facebook estimates that more than 300 million people use the Save on Facebook feature each month, since launching the button at F8 2016, giving people the ability to also save things they discover around the rest of the Web, and receive notification reminders to visit their Save list.
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