Facebook now displaying related stories & share info for articles as part of ongoing News Feed test

Facebook’s News Feed test, launched last October, expands to give users more context around news headlines.

Facebook now displaying related stories  and  share info for articles as part of ongoing News Feed test | DeviceDaily.com

Facebook is expanding a News Feed test it launched last year that aims to help users determine the integrity of news items posted on the platform.

Originally, the test included an ā€œiā€ button added to news headline links that, when clicked, displayed more information about the article and the publisher that ran it. Now, in addition to the ā€œiā€ button displaying further information about the article, it will also display a section of ā€œRelated Storiesā€ with recent headlines from the publisher, a share count that shows where the news item has been shared geographically in the US and a list of the userā€™s friends who have shared it.

There is also an option to follow the publisherā€™s page within the ā€œAbout this articleā€ information.

Facebook offered the following short video demonstrating how the newly added ā€œiā€ button information will be displayed:

Newsroom: Article Context Launch Video

Posted by Facebook on Monday, April 2, 2018

Facebook says the latest updates to the News Feed test are being rolled out to everyone in the US. (The initial announcement about the ā€œiā€ button didnā€™t say who, or how many users would see the test.)

Facebook is also rolling out a new test to a limited number of users that will show information about an articleā€™s author, but this test is only for articles published via Facebookā€™s Instant Articles format.

ā€œPeople in this test will be able to tap an authorā€™s name in Instant Articles to see additional information, including a description from the authorā€™s Wikipedia entry, a button to follow their Page or Profile, and other recent articles theyā€™ve published,ā€ writes Facebook in the announcement on its news site.

Facebook says the author information will only display if the articleā€™s publisher has implemented author tags on their website and validated the authorā€™s association to the publisher. This test is not rolling out to the entire US; instead, itā€™s being released as a ā€œsmall test in the US.ā€

According to Facebook, the newly added information around headline links in the News Feed is the result of feedback from Facebookā€™s community and its academic and industry partners.

About The Author

Amy Gesenhues is Third Door Media’s General Assignment Reporter, covering the latest news and updates for Marketing Land and Search Engine Land. From 2009 to 2012, she was an award-winning syndicated columnist for a number of daily newspapers from New York to Texas. With more than ten years of marketing management experience, she has contributed to a variety of traditional and online publications, including MarketingProfs.com, SoftwareCEO.com, and Sales and Marketing Management Magazine. Read more of Amy’s articles.

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