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Firefox Focus for Android adds improved do-not-track tools
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Firefox Focus for Android adds improved do-not-track tools

AJ Dellinger, @ajdell

December 20, 2018
Firefox Focus for Android adds improved do-not-track tools |

Mozilla rolled out an update today to the iOS and Android versions of Firefox Focus, its privacy-minded browser. The Android app now has Enhanced Tracking Protection, a feature that allows users to select which sites they want to share their data with, among other security measures. Meanwhile, the iOS version of the browser now supports search suggestions.

Enhanced Tracking Protection was first introduced in October with the release of Firefox 63. The feature gives users considerably more control over how their online activity is tracked. ETF allows users to choose to block all cookies on a website, all third-party cookies or cross-site trackers that follow your behaviors as you browse the web. The feature not only speeds up the internet experience by blocking the trackers that bog down sites, but it also restores some sense of privacy to the browsing experience and allows users to opt out of having their every move online recorded and used to sell them stuff.

In addition to ETF, Firefox Focus for Android now has the protection of Google’s Safe Browsing service, which keeps users from stumbling onto shady websites by providing in-browser warnings when directed to a flagged URL. As for iOS users, today’s update adds the ability to share what they are typing with search providers and receive automated suggestions based on their query. The iOS version of the browser previously added the ability to lock tabs with Face ID to prevent snooping.

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