Five Body Language Mistakes You’re Making In Interviews
You may have researched common interview questions and rehearsed answers, but could your body be undermining your confidence–and your chance at getting a job offer? Body language can have more of an impact on your success than anything you say. A classic study from UCLA says up to 55% of our communication is nonverbal, and that’s especially challenging when you’re in a situation where you’re likely nervous.
“When we feel threatened, our natural instinct is to cover up and protect ourselves,” says Andy Mangum, speech communications faculty member at Brookhaven College in Dallas. “These nonverbal defenses suggest that we lack confidence. What a person conveys is not always what a person feels. Defensiveness is in the eye of the beholder. So, the key is to look natural and confident.”
3. Fidgeting
Candidates who move around too much in their seats is distracting for 32% of hiring managers, according to the survey. Nervousness is normal during an interview, and this can sometimes result in fidgeting, so Michael Plummer, CEO of the direct-mail marketing firm Our Town America, looks for more body language clues when he interviews candidates.
“I have seen some folks so nervous that it overshadows the rest of their body language,” he says. “Body language is only relevant within the context of the specific interview. I do notice if someone is noticeably shifty and things don’t seem to be adding up. In those cases, I simply follow up further on references.”
If you’re a fidgeter, help yourself sit still by putting your feet flat on the floor and your hands in your lap.
Video: Handshakes That Will Blow Your Job Interview
4. Crossing Your Arms
Nearly a third of hiring managers say crossing your arms during an interview sends a bad signal, but Michael Landers, author of Culture Crossing: Discover The Key To Making Successful Connections In The New Global Era, says this could be a misleading.
People often believe crossed arms sends the signal that the person is bored, disengaged, or blocked, he says. “However, when I ask people why they may sit like this, the great majority of them say it is because they may be cold or that it’s just a comfortable way to sit or stand,” he says. “This sets the stage for people to easily write off a potentially excellent candidate during an interview or discount a colleague or client simply based on a misinterpretation of their body language.”
Job candidates should pay attention to how they hold their arms, whenever possible. But hiring managers shouldn’t always assume crossed arms is a bad signal.
5. Posture
For 31% of hiring managers, bad posture can cost the candidate a job offer. Mark Bollman, president of the upholstery repair franchise Creative Colors International, says it’s his biggest red flag when he interviews potential employees.
“That suggests to me they are too comfortable or complacent and possibly lazy or not paying attention,” he says. “Those are not the kind of people who would succeed in our business. We love folks who sit upright in their chair and keep consistent eye contact. That shows us they are eager, ready to learn, and excited about the opportunity.”
Good posture coupled with fluidity is the key, says Dawn Rauhe, head of sourcing in the Americas for Alexander Mann Solutions, a talent acquisition firm. “Your posture, either sitting or standing, during an interview should be natural, not still or tense,” she says. “When you have a point to make that is significant, lean forward; this indicates you care and want to make a strong point. After all, the best candidates can engage on all levels, including through their body language.”
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