For Honor – Reviews and Launch: What You Need to Know

For Honor – Reviews and Launch: What You Need to Know

For Honor – Reviews and Launch: What You Need to Know

In anticipation of For Honor’s impending release, all players will have a chance to play the Open Beta from February 9 to February 12 on PS4, Xbox, and PC. This free beta will give you a chance to sharpen your blade, pledge your sword and fight for one of the three Factions: Knights, Samurai, and Vikings. With nine of the 12 starting Heroes and four of the five multiplayer modes playable, the Open Beta will give you a good sense of what For Honor’s multiplayer has to offer. Once the Open Beta period is over, we will take down the servers to prep them for the worldwide launch of For Honor on February 14.

For Honor will then be playable for everyone, including reviewers, when it officially launches. We know this will delay day-one reviews, but waiting until the game is populated with real people will give reviewers, and you, a better sense of what For Honor is all about.

If you pre-ordered For Honor digitally through PSN, Xbox Live, or the Uplay store, here’s the details of pre-load times per platform:

PlayStation Network: on February 12 at midnight local time
Xbox Live: Now Available
Uplay PC: February 10 at 9AM PST
Steam: February 10 at 9AM PST

We’re excited to welcome warriors to the battlefield when For Honor launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on February 14, 2017.

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