Fortnite porn is the Halloween 2018 trend we wish we didn’t know about
People can’t stop searching for Fortnite on YouPorn, which has led the adult search engine to believe that this Halloween will be nothing but a parade of sexy skull troopers, plush tricera ops, and sultry brite bombers demanding a trick, treat, or both.
YouPorn pored through your dirty, dirty search history and came up with a list of characters it thinks are going to be pretty popular on Halloween. Fortnite topped the list by a wide margin, followed by the slightly less scandalous ninja and pirate. Coming in fourth, according to YouPorn and anyone who has stayed too late at Comic Con, is Bowsette, which Super Mario fans will know is what happens after a power-up turns Bowser into a Princess Peach-looking character. Several Marvel characters made the list, too, including Harley Quinn, Black Panther‘s Zuris, and Deadpool‘s elderly friend Blind Al.
It’s not just women either: Colossus, Deadpool, The Rock, Spiderman, and Venom are also popular options. “Weasel” is on the list, too, but I’m not going to risk a call from HR to figure out what that is, exactly.
So this Halloween, if you run into any Dark Voyagers or Cuddle Team leaders, just nod knowingly as you hand them some candy.
