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GDPR and Google Analytics
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GDPR and Google Analytics

By Guest PostsJune 4th, 2018

GDPR and Google Analytics |

The new European law governing data protection came into force. General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR has huge ramifications for all types of businesses; those which deal with large amounts of personal data will be the most affected. If you are unsure whether or not your business is prepared for GDPR there is a useful page which has been put together by HubSpot which should help answer your questions.

Google Analytics is a vital tool for modern businesses, there are certain aspects which have changed which will affect the way businesses operate. For information on how Google complies with GDPR data protection laws please read this post.

1) There Is A New User Deletion Function

Being able to correctly (and thoroughly) delete user data is one area of importance under the new GDPR. Google implements a new “user deletion” tool within the next few weeks. This tool will enable the deletion of all data related to a particular user or property within your Google Analytics account or Analytics 360.

2) Granular Data Retention Controls To Be Introduced

Google have introduced new controls for the management of exactly how long information about its users can be stored on their servers (read more here). The settings which you have selected via these granular data retention options will determine how long any corresponding data will be retained for. There will be an automatic deletion of any data that is older than the specified time scale.

3) Changes To Google’s Contracts

This new data protection legislation inevitable means that there will be changes coming to the Google Analytics agreements and contract. Any new contractual terms will be introduced prior to the GDPR launch date of the 25th May 2018. Many of the new updates to their policy relating to their products are focused around whether Google counts as a data processor or controller under the new rules. In the case of Google Analytics it is a data processor.

4) Updated EU User Consent Policy

User consent is one of the hot topics, amongst others. Google have already said they will be updating their user consent policies. It will include the new legal requirements under GDPR, and all Google Analytics and Analytics 360 customers, all of whom that are making use of the advertising features need to comply. New responsibilities in terms of consent and disclosures will be laid out in the new provisions regarding end users within the EEA (European Economic Area). Even for companies which do not operate within the EEA they are advised to seek legal advice to determine if this legislation will affect them.

To Conclude

If your business collects, stores or uses data on a daily basis, this new legislation can seem a daunting prospect. Google are taking measures to comply and the features they are going to implement will be a huge help in making sure you are compliant. There are also other possible ways in which your business needs to adapt to meet with the new guidelines.

About the Author: Guest Posts


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