Get Rainbow Six Siege Flag Charm Rewards with New Community Challenges

Get Rainbow Six Siege Flag Charm Rewards with New Community Challenges

Rainbow Six Siege is celebrating some important events over the next couple of weeks by holding a series of community challenges that can be activated from the Ubisoft Club app. Starting with the Canada Day Challenge, Rainbow Six Siege players can earn a Canadian Flag Weapon Charm by winning 10 rounds with either Buck or Frost of the JTF-2 Operator team. Similarly, the United States’ Independence Day Challenge requires players to win 20 rounds as any of the FBI Operators, including Recruits. Successfully completing this challenge gives participants an American Flag Charm. Both this and the Canada Day Challenge started on June 28, but both will run through Tuesday, July 5 until 8:00AM EDT, when they will be removed from the Ubisoft Club app.

Starting July 12 at 8:00AM EDT, the French Bastille Day challenge will be available, but it includes two parts. First, players will have to win five rounds as a GIGN Operator, including Recruits. 500 Renown awaits those who successfully complete this part of the challenge. The next step requires players to win 20 rounds as a GIGN Operator. Completing both steps before Tuesday, July 19, at 8:00AM EDT awards the French Flag Weapon Charm.

For more information on Rainbow Six Siege, check out our previous coverage:

Rainbow Six Siege 3.2 Update Rebalances Shield-Wielding Operators, Expands Charms

Rainbow Six Siege – Close Up With Operation Dust Line’s Blackbeard and Valkyrie

The Art of Destruction in Rainbow Six Siege – An Interview with Julien L’Heureux

The post Get Rainbow Six Siege Flag Charm Rewards with New Community Challenges appeared first on UbiBlog – Ubisoft®.

UbiBlog – Ubisoft®

The Author

Giancarlo Varanini picked up a controller at the age of four and hasn’t put it down since. This makes things like eating hamburgers or driving a vehicle incredibly problematic. You might remember his previous work from great media outlets such as GameSpot, EGM, Official US PlayStation Magazine, Nintendo Power, and others. Follow him on Twitter: @gvaranini
