Pinned August 7, 2021

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‘Ghost of Tsushima’ director’s cut trailer shows off the gorgeous Iki Island
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‘Ghost of Tsushima’ director’s cut trailer shows off the gorgeous Iki Island

‘Ghost of Tsushima’ director’s cut trailer shows off the gorgeous Iki Island

Sucker Punch says it ‘wanted to tell a story of healing’ with the expansion.

Kris Holt
K. Holt
July 21st, 2021
'Ghost of Tsushima' director's cut trailer shows off the gorgeous Iki Island |
Sucker Punch Productions

Sony and developer Sucker Punch have revealed some more details about what’s next for Jin Sakai in Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, an expanded edition of the 2020 action-adventure game. They also released a gorgeous new trailer for the upcoming version, which hits PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on August 20th.

You’ll be able to explore an entirely new island called Iki. Jin learns that a Mongol tribe led by a shaman named Ankhsar Khatun has taken residence there. Khatun is “not only a conqueror of nations, but a shepherd of souls. And the danger she presents to Jin and his people is unlike any they have faced,” Sucker Punch senior writer Patrick Downs wrote on the PlayStation blog.

Iki is a “lawless land of raiders and criminals” which has been out of samurai control for decades. Jin will run into pirates, smugglers and “mad monks” on the island. He’ll explore haunted caves and learn new techniques.

The expanded story will also delve deeper into Jin’s painful past. “With everything that has happened this past year, it’s no accident we also wanted to tell a story of healing,” Downs wrote. “And we felt this would pose a unique and compelling challenge for Jin.”

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is a $20 upgrade for owners of the original game. It costs an extra $10 to upgrade the PS5 version of either the base game or the director’s cut. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut will also be available as a direct purchase for $60 on PS4 and $70 on PS5.


Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut2020 action-adventure gamewrote on the PlayStation blog

