Gmail app adds AMP for Email support for Android and iOS

Brands will be able to deliver emails with dynamic content such as RSVPing to events within the Gmail app.

Google has announced that the Gmail app for Android and iOS will be rolling out support for AMP for Email, the dynamic content feature that allows users to interact directly within emails. The update is available to all G Suite editions and will be set to “on” by default. Users viewing emails through a third-party app will receive a static version of the email.

Why we should care

Serving dynamic emails allows marketers to extend the lifetime of their brands’ emails. Marketers who take advantage of AMP for Email can keep their customers up-to-date without sending redundant emails by including dynamic content like the status of an e-commerce order. It also allows recipients to take actions such as unsubscribing without having to leave the body of the email.

Gmail app adds AMP for Email support for Android and iOS |

Earlier this year, Google announced that it would be adding support for dynamic emails in Gmail on the web.  With the Gmail app now supporting dynamic content, marketers have the opportunity to deliver engaging mobile experiences that don’t require the recipient to open another app or browser.

More on the news

  • Email marketers can experiment with AMP for Email in the “playground.”
  • To be able to send AMP versions of emails, you’ll need to register with Google and agree to meet its guidelines and requirements.
  • Two rollouts are scheduled to begin November 21, 2019: Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains. Both extended rollouts could potentially take up to 15 days before all users have access.

About The Author

Jennifer Videtta Cannon serves as Third Door Media’s Senior Editor, covering topics from email marketing and analytics to CRM and project management. With over a decade of organizational digital marketing experience, she has overseen digital marketing operations for NHL franchises and held roles at tech companies including Salesforce, advising enterprise marketers on maximizing their martech capabilities. Jennifer formerly organized the Inbound Marketing Summit and holds a certificate in Digital Marketing Analytics from MIT Sloan School of Management.

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