Pinned September 10, 2020

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Google Assistant can help you donate to the Center for Policing Equity
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Google Assistant can help you donate to the Center for Policing Equity

Igor Bonifacic, @igorbonifacic

August 28, 2020
Google Assistant can help you donate to the Center for Policing Equity |

Google is making it easier for Assistant users to donate to an organization working to address racial bias in policing. Using your phone, ask Assistant to “donate to racial justice,” and the digital helper will then take you through contributing to the Center for Policing Equity. You’ll also find a dedicated card in Google Assistant’s Snapshot. Whatever way you go about donating, 100 percent of every contribution goes to the organization. The Center for Policy Equity employs a data-driven approach to help communities and police organizations create a more equitable public safety model. 

Google quietly added the ability to make donations with Assistant in 2019, but today’s update streamlines the process by focusing on one nonprofit. Moving forward, the company says it plans to expand the donation feature to help other specific organizations and nonprofits in the future. 

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