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Google Assistant will soon be more conversational on smart displays
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Google Assistant will soon be more conversational on smart displays

Mariella Moon, @mariella_moon

March 08, 2019
Google Assistant will soon be more conversational on smart displays |

Google is rolling out “continued conversation” to smart displays over the next few days, the company has confirmed to Android Central. The tech giant launched the feature for smart speakers last year in an effort to make conversations with Assistant feel more natural. It gives you a way to ask the voice AI follow-up questions without having to say “Hey, Google” over and over again. Now, that capability is coming to all Assistant-powered smart displays in the US set to English, including Google Home Hub and Lenovo Smart Clock.

The feature even comes with something extra for smart displays: a visual cue in the form of an icon in the upper left corner to show you if Assistant is still listening. You can see the indicators moving if the AI is hearing you speak, and you can dismiss it by saying “thank you” or “stop.” Continued conversation remains an optional feature for smart displays. You can switch it on or off under Assistant in Settings.

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