Google Extends Responsive Search Ads Availability, Text Ads Gain Characters

Google Extends Responsive Search Ads Availability, Text Ads Gain Characters

by  @lauriesullivan, (August 10, 2018)

Google Extends Responsive Search Ads Availability, Text Ads Gain Characters |

In September, Google will roll out responsive search ads to more advertisers in English, French, German and Spanish.

The company announced the Google Responsive Search Ads last month at Marketing Live and showed how automation and machine learning supports the ad unit.

Responsive Search Ads let markets set up one ad with multiple headlines and descriptions. For one static ad text, marketers can write up to 15 headlines and up to four descriptions. The automated platform matches the headline with the ad, based on many attributed surrounding the search.

In addition to the rollout, Google will give marketers more room to tell their message. Beginning in late August, marketers will have the ability to add a third headline and a second description to text ads, adding up to 90 characters.

For example, if a retailer uses two headlines that show the brand name and official site, marketers can add a third headline showing shipping details or special offers.

Automation became the theme for Google Marketing Live. Company executives told attendees that automation will become the backbone for every form of campaign management, from bidding to dynamic headlines, as well as creative and targeting.

On Thursday, Google also released a one-page article on how to create more effective text ads using machine learning. It starts, as usual, with writing “compelling” ad copy. Crafting the message focuses on the benefits to consumers cross-device and tying in creative images to the keywords. 

Marketers will also adjust to new realities as Google relies more heavily on machine learning. Search Marketing Daily
