Google Lets Searchers Return To Past Queries With Quick Links

Google Lets Searchers Return To Past Queries With Quick Links

Google has created a feature that allows people who sign in to the search engine pick to up where they left off on previous searches.

Google Lets Searchers Return To Past Queries With Quick Links |

The feature in search, dubbed “your related activity,” is only visible to the person making the query. It presents an activity card at the top of the results page to provide an easy way to continue exploring the topic.

The feature could lead to repeat visits to a website or piece of content, and could also become a strong intent signal for search advertisers to consider.

A query for a recipe or piece of clothing or a music group or live performance, for example, surfaces previous searches and links to pages visited in the past. From there, those who are searching can click back to that recipe or reissue a search to discover new features of a specific topic. 

The feature seems similar to bookmarks, but rather than having to use the browser to find previous pages, Google includes the information in the search query.

The feature may raise questions over whether the additional information focuses more on content and pushes down organic results to the next page.

People can control what appears in the activity cards by deleting an item or turning off cards by tapping the three-dot icon.

The activity cards are available today on the mobile web, along with the Google app in English in the U.S. Search Marketing Daily
